Page 38 - EW July 2021 final
P. 38
Fliplearn transforms homework management
for schools and teachers with its new homework
transformation system
The Covid pandemic has impacted life in ways we could not imagine just a year ago.
Education was severely disrupted due to the limitations imposed on movement, meetings
and gathering. Ms. Divya Lal, Managing Director of Fliplearn Education Pvt. Ltd
explains her views on why schools should prepare for a shift to Phygital learning in 2021.
intervention by Fliplearn, homework Parents can finally heave a sigh of
as it was, or as we perceive it, is relief. The tortuous sound of the word
ready for a transformation that ‘homework’ need not ring similarly
could save teachers and students in their ears anymore. Times have
thousands of hours through modular changed. Thanks to Fliplearn HTS,
structures, better efficiencies, more homework has transformed into a
customisation, quicker assessment positive, proactive, progressive model
and better outcomes. for learning, teaching and assessing a
The Homework Transformation student’s progress. No surprise that
System (HTS) by Fliplearn was teachers and Principals from well-
he Covid 19 Pandemic has designed to address this imbalance known schools have appreciated
impacted the education sector in and obstacles in the current the impact made by Fliplearn on
Tmore intrusive manner than any homework setting and checking Homework Transformation System:
other and the disruption has pushed system with the goal of making Revathi Mohan Raj, Teacher, Sagar
education systems all over the world home-work easier for students, International School, Erode said, “We
to investigate alternatives to face-to- teachers, and parents. are incredibly happy to join with
face instruction. Online learning has The Fliplearn HTS enables teachers Fliplearn - a wonderful e-learning
since then become a saviour and digital to assign homework with a single platform for the students and teachers.
learning platforms like Fliplearn in India click, offers automated homework It really saves our time and efforts. The
have emerged as a panacea for schools correction and gives teachers the automated correction feature has made
helping them to go online almost option of creating their own content our work remarkably simple, and it
overnight. by using the Fliplearn question bank. helps us to focus on the other aspects
While digital learning has helped It tracks class homework performance of learning. Fliplearn’s finest benefit for
bypass the roadblocks in education to and provides analytics. In addition, teachers is its pre-made question bank,
a great extent, the interminable school the HTS provides a world-class which eliminates the need to create
lockdowns have forced children to curated information repository as homework on a regular basis and saves
become incarcerated inmates in homes. well as adaptive homework that is time. Fliplearn has been quite helpful
In this context, homework has acquired truly personalised. and is improving on daily basis.”
an irony missed earlier – to be going For students, HTS is a great Rajesh Dongre, Principal, School
to school and getting homework made enabler. Students doing homework of Brilliance, [location] “Fliplearn has
some sense, but when all schooling is are provided with the relevant been used at our school from the past
now at home, all work is homework, one learning material even as they work. one year. It has made the process of
could argue. With this app the school child can distance learning incredibly simple
It is an unfortunate fact that Indian adapt homework as per his or her and convenient for both students and
school children spend more hours than learning needs, which make learning teachers. We use the Fliplearn app to
their peers across their world finishing effective. The app also has a feature conduct our live classes, and the best
homework. Indian teachers assign over to identify academic strength and aspect about it is that it allows teachers
1 billion homework assignments each weakness of the student and offers to assign homework to students through
day through its private schools. Parents detailed diagnostics of individual the App. Its automated correction
in India spend more hours doing student’s performance and progress feature reduces the burden of teachers
homework with their children than any for parent, teacher or the student him to check the homework and makes a
other country. or herself. HTS also offers students teachers life so much easier.”
Not for nothing has homework has great flexibility. Students can log in Bharti Goel, Teacher, Lord Mahavir
been for the longest time the bugbear at any time on any device. While it Jain Public School, Ambala Cantt
of the school-learning-teaching triad. is preferable if they establish a daily said, “Fliplearn is a fantastic, well-
While students have thought of them schedule for themselves and stick organized app that assists students in
as necessary evil, teachers have broken to it with parental encouragement, accomplishing their goals. With the
their backs issuing them, correcting kids can make specific alterations to content bank, it helps both students and
them and assessing them over long their schedule as they see fit, making teachers. The worry of homework is
hours into the night. home-work simple, pleasurable and about to become a thing of the past for
Necessary they might be, but evil they conducive their own temperament parents, instructors, and kids, thanks to
need not to be. Thanks to a momentous and time schedules. apps like Fliplearn HTS.”