Page 44 - EW July 2021 final
P. 44

                                       JAGSoM LAUNCHES BBA PROGRAM

                                       Learn instruments, be a vocalist, paint on a canvas, trek on the mountains
                                       and still be Industry 4.0 professional

                ACSB-accredited and globally   India which enables learners to discover and   has 34 years of corporate work experience
                ranked Jagdish Sheth School of   pursue their passion. One can learn instru-  in MNCs and Indian companies in consumer/
         AManagement (JAGSoM) has         ments, be a vocalist, paint on a canvas, trek   industrial verticals.
         launched a unique BBA program at Vijayb-  on the mountains and still be a business pro-  Prof. Amit Bagga: Dr. Bagga is a practicing
         hoomi University near Mumbai. Globally ac-  fessional ready for Industry 4.0.”  Chartered Accountant, Financial Consultant,
         claimed academics Padma Bhushan Prof.   The unique part is that in the initial or, sopho-  Auditor & Valuation Analyst. He is a Commit-
         Jagdish Sheth (Chairman, JAGSoM) and   more years, students will have the option   tee Member at ICAI, having rich experience
         Prof. A Parasuraman (Pro-chancellor, Vi-  to take subjects across streams like music,   of over 25 years.
         jaybhoomi University) are mentoring this   design, economics, law, humanities, data   Prof. Jitender Kumar: An eminent finan-
         programme. India’s top MBA faculty to teach   sciences and not just business.   cial strategist, researcher, and corporate
         JAGSoM’s BBA program. International Higher                        executive, Prof. Jitender is a prolific equity
         Education pathways after BBA Programme   JAGSoM BBA: Key          researcher, portfolio advisor and a senior
         are also available. Admissions for 2021 are   differentiators     executive running financial organizations.
         open.                            1. Offered by JAGSOM, one of the Top   He has over 15 years of experience in the
                                          AACSB accredited B-schools in India  Equities, Mutual Funds, Derivatives, Fund
         JAGSoM’s Journey:                AACSB Accredited & Globally Ranked: As   Management and Research fields.
         Key Milestones                   said earlier, JAGSoM was the 6th Business   Prof. Tushar Jaruhar: Prof. Tushar has
         •  In 2018, JAGSoM (formerly IFIM Business   School in India to receive the prestigious   worked for global brands in developing
           School) became the sixth B-school in India   AACSB International accreditation. It was   strategy, building businesses and delivering
           after ISB, TAPMI, IIM Calcutta, IMT Ghazi-  Globally Ranked in QS Masters Global Rank-  business transformation initiatives. He holds
           abad and XLRI to be AACSB-accredited.  ing 2021 in 51+ Band for PGDM Marketing   an MBA from the Kellogg School of Manage-
         •  In 2020, QS Masters in Marketing Ranking   and 101+ Band for PGDM Finance. This puts   ment, Northwestern University where he was
           2021 ranked JAGSoM among the Top 100   JAGSoM in the league of 8-10 top B-schools   the recipient of Kellogg’s Four Pillar Award for
           (51-100 band) in the world for its PGDM   in India who have an international profile.  Intellectual Depth.
           Marketing program and ranked Top 150   2. India’s Top MBA Faculty to teach JAG-  Prof. Supriyo Ghose: Professor & Chairper-
           (101-150 band) for its PGDM Finance Pro-  SOM BBA Program       son, Digital Business and Analytics Area Prof.
           gram.                          Faculty members who will teach JAGSoM   Supriyo is a Fellow from IIM-Calcutta and a
         •  On October 21, 2020, IFIM Business   BBA include:              B.E. from Jadavpur University with 25 years
           School, Bangalore was rechristened JAG-  Prof. Anand Narasimha: Prof. Anand has   of academic and corporate experience. He
           SoM after globally respected management   over 30 years of leadership experience span-  served in leadership roles in companies such
           guru Padma Bhushan Dr. Jagadish Sheth.   ning Brand Marketing, Advertising, Consult-  as TCS, PwC, Mahindra Satyam and Infosys.
         •  On December 23, 2020, JAGSoM an-  ing and Academics. He is an alumnus of IIM-  He started his teaching career at IIM-Calcutta
           nounced 100% completion of placements   Calcutta and BITS-Pilani. He has won a host   as an Associate Professor.
           2021 with average salary of Rs. 10.21 lakh   of Marketing Effectiveness awards including   Dr. Chandrashekar Subramanyam - Se-
           per annum.                     ‘2 Cannes’ and ‘3 EFFIES’.       nior Professor with a Ph.D. from University
         •  On July 5, 2021, JAGSoM launches new-  Prof. Kalyan Sankar Sengupta: Prof. Kaly-  of Georgia and an M.Tech from IIT-Kanpur,
           age BBA at Vijaybhoomi University near   an Sankar Sengupta is an accomplished   he is regarded as one of the top Analytics
           Mumbai.                        management teacher, researcher and con-  Professors in the country today. Professor
         JAGSoM launches BBA program at Vijayb-  sultant. He has been teaching management   Chandrasekhar worked at IIM-Lucknow for
         hoomi University, Mumbai         science for over 30 years and was affiliated   ten years as Professor in Quantitative and
         AACSB-accredited Jagdish Sheth School   with institutions like IISWBM – Calcutta, IMT   Information Systems, and as Member Sec-
         of Management (JAGSoM) has launched a   Ghaziabad among others.   retary to IIM board before joining JAGSoM
         unique BBA program at Vijaybhoomi Univer-  Prof. S.K. Bal Palekar: The pioneer of the   Prof. Ganes M. Pandya holds a Ph D in
         sity near Mumbai.                direct selling model of Eureka Forbes, Prof.   mathematics and won the innovation gold
         Sharing the rationale for the launch, Dr. Atish   S K Bal Palekar is a Professor in Marketing.   award for his attempt to discover the true
         Chattopadhyay, Director, JAGSoM said,   Prior to his current position at JAGSoM, he   potential of Excel. He had a long stint with
         “This program is probably the first BBA in   was a Professor at SPJIMR, Mumbai. He   TAPMI before joining JAGSoM.

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