Page 48 - EW July 2021 final
P. 48

Cover Story

             tions for over 15 months has                                           around the world and reduced
             hit  India’s  at  best  of  times                                      dependence on teachers is likely
             cruelly under-provided rural                                           to level the playing field for ru-
             school children hardest. With                                          ral children. If government can
             schools shut down and only 15                                          ensure one digital device per ru-
             percent of rural households                                            ral family it will make a fantastic
             connected with the Internet,                                           difference to Indian education
             with  a  mere  4 percent  able                                         and boost rural productivity for
             to  afford  smartphones and                                            years to come. We need to har-
             digital devices, an estimated                                          vest this unexpected gain of the
             24 million children have been                                          Covid pandemic,” says Fallone.
             prematurely pushed into the                                              Meanwhile, the low prior-
             labour force, and girl chil-                                           ity currently being accorded to
             dren into early marriage and                                           drawing up detailed safeguards
             worse. “The national lock- Fallone: changed mindset benefit            to protect children and reopen
             down took away the autono-                                             the country’s education institu-
             my of rural India and forced closure of   main in touch with their teachers   tions, especially 1.5 million primary-
             schools even in remote communities   and peers through smartphones and   secondary schools shuttered for 56
             not affected by the Coronavirus. It has   tablets to  develop  the  3 C’s  —  con-  weeks,  is  indicative  of  inadequate
             hit girls education disproportionately   nection, competence and confidence.   awareness  within  the  Central  and
             and set back education in rural gov-  BCI is willing to provide this pedagogy   state governments — and within Niti
             ernment schools by at least ten years,”   model to all government and private   Aayog, the government think-tank
             says New Zealand-born Meagan Fal-  primaries that may be interested,”   — that procrastination on this issue
             lone, the highly-qualified (Yale, UCL,   adds Fallone.            is likely to result in a massive rise in
             Harvard), (until recently) chief execu-  But even as she believes that the   unemployment and productivity loss
             tive of the globally renowned Barefoot   national lockdown of schools has se-  in Indian industry, agriculture and the
             College International (BCI), Tilonia,   verely disrupted primary education,   economy, as under-prepared gradu-
             Rajasthan established by Doon School   Fallone  discerns a silver lining  to   ates enter the adult workforce. This
             and St. Stephen’s college alumnus   the  Covid cloud that has enveloped   development if unaddressed is certain
             Bunker Roy in 1972. With affiliated   the  country. She  is convinced that   to derail the BJP/NDA government’s
             clones in 15 states across India and   the pandemic has changed the rural   grandiose plan to transform India into
             96 developing countries around the   mindset and blown away all resistance   a $5 trillion economy within the next
             world,  since Fallone took charge as   to digital technology.     three years.
             CEO of this unique institution which   “Today every rural household ur-  “With domestic and international
             isn’t ‘recognised’ by government (and   gently wants Internet connectivity   competition, especially from our
             media) in 2010, it has morphed into   and to own at least one digital device.   neighbour nation China becoming
             Barefoot College International.   Access to high quality content from   intense, India Inc increasingly needs
             O         NE OF THE FIRST initia-  Ravichander: remedial education urgency  EQ, knowledge, drive for success,
                                                                               graduates with passion, high IQ and
                       tives of BCI which trans-
                                                                               capability and energy. Unfortunately
                       forms ‘barefoot’ villag-
                                                                               institutions countrywide has seri-
                       ers into solar power and                                the protracted lockdown of education
             water-harvesting engineers, was to                                ously disrupted learning at all levels
             establish night schools for children                              and will create a huge shortage of
             in Rajasthan who are obliged to take                              graduates with these qualifications.
             cattle for grazing. Over the years Bare-                          Therefore, urgent remedial education
             foot College has established 38 night                             programmes, especially in schools,
             schools in Tilonia district and sup-                              are absolutely necessary to ensure
             ports another 35 in neighbouring ar-                              that children with strong foundations
             eas. According to Fallone, children in                            can derive the full benefit of higher
             these primaries were provided smart-                              education. While the demand for IIT
             phones and tablets in 2015.  “We have                             graduates and top-ranked engineering
             successfully devised our high-touch,                              colleges is good, for graduates from
             hi-tech learning-from-home hybrid                                 tier-II  and  tier-III  colleges  without
             pedagogy under which children re-                                 strong foundational education, find-

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