Page 50 - EW July 2021 final
P. 50

Cover Story

             magazine, “Covid-19 rarely makes
             children very ill. In the year to April
             the chance of an American aged 5-14
             catching and dying from the  virus
             was about one in 500,000 — roughly
             a tenth of a child’s chance of dying in a
             traffic accident in normal times.”
             T         HEREFORE, EVEN  after

                       allowing for more undis-
                       ciplined traffic in India,
                       children are not as vul-
             nerable  as  is  officially  proclaimed,
             and generally accepted. In the circum-
             stances there is a strong case in favour
             of permitting schools that promise to
             practice safety protocols such as pe-
             riodic sanitisation, masking, hand-
             washing and allowing only half of
             students in class per day, to restart
             on-campus classes. Adds The Econo-
             mist: “Young brains are being starved   Slum dweller children in Kolkata: safer in school
             of stimulation. Primary-school pupils
             in England are around three months   dren’s education which will shape   these major stakeholders in education
             behind where they normally would be;   their livelihoods, careers and income-  for almost two years. Now it’s patently
             children in Ethiopia learned 60-70   generation capabilities has been se-  obvious that they are best qualified to
             percent less than usual during 2020.   verely damaged. Bottom-of-pyramid   decide if and when education institu-
             Even before the pandemic things were   citizens obliged to reside in cramped   tions have implemented Covid proto-
             bad. More than half of ten-year-olds   joint family homes without digital   cols to restart children’s education.
             in low- and middle-income countries   connectivity and devices would much   Devolving the schools restart and
             could not read a simple paragraph.   rather send their children to schools   attendance decision to school prin-
             The World Bank warns this could rise   that observe basic Covid safety pro-  cipals and parents with the latter
             to almost two-thirds. In all countries   tocols.                  obliged to sign consent letters allow-
             school closures  will widen the gap   Fifteen months after the lockdown   ing their children to attend in-school
             between better-off pupils (who have   of all education institutions nation-  classes, is the best way forward to re-
             iPads and quiet bedrooms for remote   wide during which already educa-  sume and continue learning. It’s fool-
             learning) and worse-off ones (who of-  tionally short-changed children have   ish of government to continue to be-
             ten don’t).”                     lost an estimated two years of learn-  lieve that even after experiencing the
                The plain truth as The Economist   ing, and daily Covid positivity having   worst ravages of the virus for almost
             comments is that few governments   flattened to below 5 percent, its time   two years, principals and teachers are
             worldwide have “carefully weighed   for the omniscient neta-babu brother-  oblivious of pandemic protocols and
             the costs and risks of reopening   hood of the Centre and state govern-  ways and means to provide safe learn-
             schools,” and India is no exception.   ments to devolve the power to restart   ing environments for students.
             It’s pertinent to recall that when the   schools upon  institutional  manage-  With a children’s vaccine around
             presence of the novel Coronavirus was   ments and parents. Typically the of-  the corner, the Centre and state gov-
             acknowledged in mid-March 2020,   ficial brotherhood has infantilised   ernments need to urgently devolve and
             schools were immediately ordered to                               localise the decision to restart schools
             shut down, prior to promulgation of                               upon  principal stakeholders  subject
             the comprehensive national lockdown   School managements and      to provision of safe learning environ-
             on March 25, and have remained shut-  parents are best positioned   ments. The balance between children’s
             tered since. While such solicitude for                            safety and their right to protect future
             the health and well-being of children   to decide if education insti-  livelihoods needs to be restored. The
             is admirable, it’s becoming increas-  tutions have implemented    national interest demands no more
             ingly clear that while their lives have   Covid safeguards        time is lost in restarting India’s long
             been substantially protected, chil-                               shuttered schools.

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