Page 46 - EW July 2021 final
P. 46

Cover Story

             judgement of the Supreme Court in                                 of Oxford University, studied the im-
             T.M.A. Pai vs. Union of India (2002)                              pact of a devastating earthquake that
             in which a full bench of justices of the                          rocked Pakistan in 2005 on children’s
             apex court conferred wide autonomy                                education. It found that children who
             on private education institutions and                             missed one year of primary school, fell
             affirmed the fundamental right of                                 behind by 1.5-2 years and never at-
             all citizens to engage in the vocation                            tained full potential throughout their
             of education and make reasonable                                  school years. The study also found
             profit for re-investment towards in-                              these children suffered income loss of
             stitutional growth and development,                               15-20 percent in adulthood.
             most state governments have passed                                  “The Pakistan earthquake forced
             laws imposing tuition and other fees                              children out of school in one-two dis-
             ceilings on private schools.                                      tricts. But the pandemic lockdown has
                Moreover, many state governments                               forced India’s 260 million children out
             have been delaying reimbursements                                 of school education nationwide for
             due to private schools under s.12 (1)                             over 15 months. Loss of 15-20 percent
             (2) of the historic Right of Children                             of income for millions of adults in the
             to Free and Compulsory Education   Kingdon: national imperative   coming years will have a massive ad-
             Act (RTE) 2009. Under s.12 (1) (c) of                             verse impact on national GDP growth.
             the Act, schools are obliged to reserve   of reopening the country’s 2 million   Therefore, it’s a national imperative
             25 percent of capacity in elementary   pre-primaries (including 1.4 million   that children are immediately back
             classes (I-VIII) for children from poor   anganwadis) and 1.5 million prima-  in school with adequate health and
             households in their neighbourhood   ry-secondary schools nationwide. As   safety safeguards,” says Prof. Geeta
             free-of-charge, with the proviso that   noted above, a large number of coun-  Gandhi  Kingdon, chair of educa-
             state and/or local governments will   tries around the world have restarted   tion economics and international
             reimburse part of their cost of edu-  schools after brief lockdowns. Yet in   development at University College,
             cation calculated on the basis of per   India, the authorities seem oblivious   London, and also president of the City
             capita education cost incurred in gov-  to the immense learning loss suf-  Montessori School, Lucknow, certi-
             ernment schools.                 fered by India’s already educationally   fied by Guinness World Records as
                                                                               the world’s largest single-city school
                                              short-changed children, and its seri-
             E        during the pandemic, sev-  ous impact in terms of employment,   with 57,000 students studying on its
                      VEN MORE BRAZENLY,
                                              livelihoods and loss of future income.
                                                                               17 campuses.
                      eral state governments
                                                                                 Even as politicians continue to
                                                “There is a clear and present dan-
                      have issued directives to   ger of millions of children who have   dither on the issue of reopening
             private school managements to refrain   been deprived of primary education   schools which threatens the future
             from collecting contracted school fees   for over one year, never being able to   quality of life of the world’s largest
             for the lockdown year 2020-21, while   catch up and attain age-appropriate   child and youth population, the worst
             insisting that they pay full contracted   levels of learning. This will adversely   affected will be youngest children in
             remuneration to teachers and employ-  affect their income-earning potential   pre-primary education. It’s chasten-
             ees and conduct online classes.   in later adult life. A study conducted   ing to recall that until the dawn of 21st
                For instance, in Karnataka the state   by RISE (Research Improving Sys-  century, there was minuscule aware-
             government issued a circular to pri-  tem of Education), a £43-million   ness of the vital importance of profes-
             vate schools to collect only 70 percent   multi-country research programme   sionally administered early childhood
             of the tuition fee (and no other fees)                            care and education (ECCE) within the
             for the academic year 2020-21. Thus,                              establishment and society. However,
             overheads, campus maintenance and   Although many countries       after Dr. James Heckman whose re-
             other expenses have to be borne by the   worldwide have restarted   search studies demonstrated that a
             management. This directive has been                               dollar invested in ECCE saved $16 in
             challenged and is part-heard in the   schools after brief         higher education in terms of benefits
             Karnataka high court.            lockdowns, in India the          to society, EducationWorld together
                This concerted effort by the Cen-                              with the then newly formed ECA
             tral and state governments to destroy   authorities seem oblivious   (Early Childhood Association of India)
             the finances of private schools during   to the huge learning loss   went into mission mode to impact the
             the pandemic is compounded by con-  suffered by children          importance of ECCE as the building
             tinuous procrastination on the issue                              block of the education continuum.

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