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quantitative investment firm with   Future plans. With geeksforgeeks on-  wide.
             sophisticated software development   line courses becoming increasingly   Newspeg. To support government
             and research capabilities.       popular, the demand for its gradu-  think-tank NITI Aayog’s Atal Tinker-
                “As I started my first job, I also   ates is also rising. “We are getting   ing Labs (ATLs) initiative to develop
             began blogging about my experi-  a lot of traffic from IT companies   a national culture of STEM innova-
             ence as a student and in particular   interested in hiring our students.   tion, Eduphoria has established
             about my intense preparation and   This is likely to become another big   over 25 ATLs in schools in six states
             strategies for the campus interview.   revenue source. These developments   during the past six months. “NITI
             Gradually several other students and   have encouraged us to research the   Aayog awards eligible schools a grant
             IT professionals began blogging on   K-12 space and start a YouTube   of Rs.12 lakh of which Rs.7 lakh is
             my website, shar-  channel providing IT content and   earmarked for lab installation and
             ing their own institutional admis-  coding lessons,” says Jain.   Rs.5 lakh for school infrastructure.
             sion and job interview experiences,”   Unstoppable!               That’s where we come in,” explains
             recalls Jain.                                     Autar Nehru (Delhi)  Gangan.
                After two years in DE Shaw, Jain                               History. An engineering and busi-
             forayed into academia and served   Tinkering labs                 ness management alumnus of the
             as an assistant professor at JIIT                                 Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg,
             (Jaypee Institute of Information   provider                       and Institute of Management, Devel-
             Technology), Noida. Meanwhile,                                    opment and Research, Pune, Gangan
    traffic was grow-                               acquired 14 years of industry experi-
             ing exponentially and generating                                       ence after which in 2017, he
             substantial ad revenue. In 2015,                                       decided to invest his personal
             when the revenue from his website                                      savings (Rs.5 lakh) to promote
             exceeded his salary, he quit the acad-                                 Eduphoria and showcase his
             emy to promote the Noida-based                                         entrepreneurial skills.
             Sanchhaya Education Pvt. Ltd, the                                      Direct talk. ”I was raised
             parent company of geeksforgeeks.                                       in the Central Indian state
             org.                                                                   of Madhya Pradesh and
             Direct talk. “There is a huge gap be-                                  schooled in Narsinghpur, a
             tween what is taught in engineering                                    small town with unimaginably
             colleges and industry requirements,                                    poor quality teaching in
             and the prospect of job interview                                      the government school.
             gives nightmares to students. More-                                    Eduphoria was born out of the
             over with a rising number of working   Gagan (centre): STEM missionary  need to substantially improve
             professionals anxious to upgrade and                                   the quality of education
             grasp new IT and software knowl-      ARANG GANGAN is founder-    in tier-II-III cities and towns by
             edge, we provide courses to upskill   CEO of the Gurugram-based   leveraging new-age technologies and
             them,” says Jain. Currently Sanch- SEduphoria Solutions LLP       introducing comprehensive STEM
             haya Education has a headcount of   (estb.2017, headcount: 10), an edtech   learning programmes. NITI Aayog’s
             150.                             start-up that offers primary-second-  ATL initiative fits in beautifully
                Until 2019, the company’s pri-  ary schools a bouquet of solutions to   with our mission to foster curiosity,
             mary revenue source was advertis-  promote hands-on STEM learning   creativity and imagination in young
             ing, but last year after the company   and enhance quality and disseminate   minds,” says Gangan.
             introduced its online study pro-  science and tech education country-  Future plans. Encouraged by steady
             grammes, a new revenue stream has   wide.                         business revenue growth even in the
             started. “Our first online course had   Currently, the company provides   turbulent pandemic year, Gangan
             a capacity of 50 persons. But we were   end-to-end solutions for installing   has ambitious future plans. “Bihar
             surprised that within two minutes of   customised innovation and tinker-  and Jharkhand are going to be our
             opening for admission, 122 work-  ing labs including multi-phased   next thrust areas. Recently we’ve
             ing professionals had registered on   teacher training, industrial visits and   finalised the design of a DIY science
             our payment gateway. Since then,   technical support and maintenance,   kit. This year, we intend to reach 250
             the number of executive education   in primary-secondary schools. Thus   schools and impact at least half a
             courses has increased to 40 and with   far, Eduphoria has impacted over   million students,” he enthuses.
             the pandemic situation, we expect   150,000 students in 150 private and   Fair winds!
             demand to grow further,” says Jain.   public schools in ten states country-  Paromita Sengupta (Bengaluru)

                                                                                  JULY 2021    EDUCATIONWORLD   57
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