Page 56 - EW July 2021 final
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borne by the 13-member team with ible edupreneur.
sporadic contributions from friends. Paromita Sengupta (Bengaluru)
The team is planning to promote
the fourth Sabuj Pathshala school Job interviews
in Tipligheri, Sagar Island, 100 km
south of Kolkata. “Our objective is
to take Sabuj Pathshalas to the most mentor
backward villages of West Bengal,
and also pioneer a model school with ANDEEP JAIN is the Noida-
active community participation and based founder-CEO of
ownership,” says Ghosh., a web-
Wind beneath your wings! site popular with computer sci-
Baishali Mukherjee (Kolkata) ence students and IT (information
technology) professionals. Launched
TIME high flyer in 2015, it offers aid and advice to
engineering students preparing for
job interviews, and useful content
ANEK DARUVALA is Daruvala: excellent record and solutions for IT problems and
the Hyderabad-based glitches.
Mco-founder of test prep Mumbai and VJ Info Systems Ltd, Newspeg. Recently, the website —
company TIME (Triumphant Institu- Hyderabad before going solo in 1992. awarded a global Internet engage-
tion of Management Education) Pvt. “While working in Godrej, I men- ment ranking of 285 by Alexa —
Ltd (estb. 1992). With over 40 IIT/ tored MBA aspirants on weekends. expanded its menu to provide online
IIM graduates in its core team, TIME That was the time when together study courses in computer science/
offers school and college-leavers with some friends I ideated TIME. IT.
rigorous coaching to write competi- I moved to Hyderabad as head of History. A computer sciences gradu-
tive entrance exams for admission education and training at VJ Info ate of the BSA College of Engineer-
into professional study programmes Systems Ltd and quit corporate life ing and Technology, Mathura (UP),
and employment in banks and cor- 18 months later to promote TIME Jain was “forced to enroll” for a
porates. Currently, the company has together with my partners Viswa- Masters at IIT-Roorkee because he
200 full-time teachers on its muster nath Pillutla and Pramod Kumar didn’t have a job offer. However it
rolls providing test prep education in with a modest initial investment of was a totally different experience at
200 centres in 100 urban habitats. Rs.24,000,” recalls Daruvala. IIT-Roorkee. After graduating with
Thus far, TIME has prepped 2 mil- Direct talk. “I believe the key to our a Masters in computer science, Jain
lion school and college-leavers. success is our passion for teaching had a multiplicity of job offers and
Newspeg. In July last year (2020), and our well-researched pedagogies chose to sign up with the Hyderabad-
TIME tied up with the Telangana So- and content. Students write our cus- based DE Shaw & Co, a portfolio and
cial Welfare Residential Educational tomised mock tests for several weeks Jain: founder
Institutions Society, aka Gurukulam, in the run-up to final exams. This
an initiative of the Telangana state is not empty boasting. Of the 5,000
government which manages 1,000 graduates admitted into the IIMs
social welfare residential schools/ last year, 2,600 were from TIME.
colleges for students from underpriv- Our success rate is equally good
ileged households. Under terms of for GMAT (Graduate Management
the agreement, every year TIME will Aptitude Test) and Bank Probation-
mentor and prepare 30 Gurukulam ary Officers exams,” claims Daruvala.
students for CAT (Common Admis- Tuition fees (full programme):
sion Test), the qualifying exam for Rs.5,000-70,000
admission into the IIMs and other Future plans. “As we go forward, we
B-schools. will continue to invest in manpower
History. A science and business man- and technology to further improve
agement alum of Bombay University our services. By 2024, we expect to
and IIM-Ahmedabad, Daruvala add 200 more TIME centres in as
acquired five years of valuable expe- many tier II and III cities country-
rience in Godrej and Boyce Mfg Co, wide as possible,” says this irrepress-