Page 63 - EW April 2021
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the test. I advise every teacher to take this test every year   the moon to learn that I am India’s #1 middle school sci-
             as it is a great way to evaluate your teaching competency,”   ence teacher. The best feature of Centa TPO is the ques-
             says Sharma.                                      tions based on practical classroom situations in critical
                                                               areas such as lesson planning, subject expertise, learner
             Shilpi Agarwal                                    diversity, assessment and remediation and classroom
             Senior computer science teacher                   management techniques. Moreover after being tested, we
             City Montessori School (Cambridge), Lucknow       receive a detailed report which enables us to assess our
             Subject: Computer science #1                      strengths and weaknesses, and improve accordingly.”

                                          computer science     Manoj Pillai
                                      A  postgraduate of       Educator, Right Training & Career Development Center
                                      IGNOU, Delhi with a B.Ed   (RTCD), Dubai
                                      degree from Jamia Millia   Subjects: Middle, Secondary & Senior Secondary School
                                      Islamia University, Delhi,   English #1
                                      Shilpi Agarwal taught at
                                      Lucknow Public College      n engineering and
                                      before she was appointed  Aeducation postgrad of
                                      computer science teacher   Mumbai and Azim Premji
                                      at the City Montessori   universities, Manoj Pillai
                                      School, Lucknow in 2007.   has 15 years of teaching
                                      A Google Certified Teacher   experience in K-12 schools,
                                      using Scratch, she won the   colleges and private coach-
             National Star Innovator Teacher in Progressive Teaching   ing institutes. Currently,
             Excellence Award 2017 conferred by S. Chand Group of   Pillai is a tutor at RTCD,
             companies.                                        Dubai, an institute prepar-
                “I am thrilled to be ranked #1 in computer science   ing students for US college
             in the Centa Olympiad 2020. I feel a sense of achieve-  entrance exams including SAT and GMAT.
             ment and pride because the Centa TPO challenges us to   “The Centa TPO is a challenging self-discovery test. I
             think beyond subject matter expertise. Now I have the   highly recommend that all teachers write this annual TPO
             confidence to work as a true technology evangelist within   because it challenges them to evaluate their professional
             the education system to create interactive, engaging and   skills development. Success in the Centa TPO opens up
             meaningful learning experiences for children.”    great career advancement opportunities. It’s critical for
                                                               teachers to constantly evaluate and upskill themselves.”
             Ravneet  Kaur
             Science teacher                                   Rumjhumi Biswas
             Subject: Middle School science #1                 Headmistress
                                                               Swarnim International School, Kolkata
                 physics postgrad of Techno India University, Kolkata   Subject: Primary School maths #1
             A  (West Bengal), Ravneet Kaur has over three years
             teaching experience with top-ranked schools including   n economics, sociology and education postgraduate
             Oakridge International, Mohali and Chitkara Interna-  Aof Calcutta University and IGNOU, Delhi, Rumjhumi
             tional School, Chandi-                            Biswas started her career in 1996 as a primary school
             garh and until recently                           teacher in Kolkata. In
             worked as physics con-                            2016, she was appointed
             tent head in Unfoldu                              founder headmistress of
             Online Solutions Pvt.                             the Swarnim International
             Ltd, an ed-tech com-                              School.
             pany. Currently, she                                “It’s a top of the world
             is a Chandigarh-based                             feeling to be ranked #1 in
             educator.                                         the testing Centa TPO. I
                “I expected to be                              have been a teacher since
             ranked among the                                  1996. This ranking con-
             Top 10. But when the                              firms that I have been able
             results were announced                            to keep pace with chang-
             on March 5, I was over                            ing times and that I’m on

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