Page 64 - EW April 2021
P. 64

Special Report

             the right track. I have written this olympiad four times   tensively on my subject and teaching practices especially
             in different subjects. It enthuses, challenges and enables   in the areas of lesson planning, content development,
             teachers to upgrade their teaching skills. In Swarnim In-  student assessment and remediation. I am now more
             ternational, all our teachers have to mandatorily write the   confident about my professional skills and future career. I
             CENTA Teaching Quotient (TQ) test, and we give prefer-  will write the Centa TPO again next year.”
             ence in recruitment to teachers with good TQ scores.”
                                                               Megha Bohra
             Manisha Tripathi                                  Teacher
             Chemistry teacher                                 Shiv Nadar School, Faridabad
             Delhi Public School, Pune                                                 Subject: Secondary
             Subject: Secondary School chemistry #1                                    School physics #1
                                          chemistry postgrad                               n engineering and
                                      A  of Agra University                            Apsychology postgrad
                                      with a Ph D from Meerut                          of the National University
                                      University, Dr. Manisha                          of Singapore and Delhi
                                      Tripathi is chemistry                            University, Megha Bohra
                                      coordinator for classes IX-                      started her professional
                                      XII at the CBSE-affiliated                       career in 2017 as a pre-
                                      DPS, Pune.                                       primary teacher. Current-
                                        “The annual Centa TPO                          ly, she teaches physics to
                                      unites teachers around                           middle and senior school
                                      the world. To win #1 rank   students at the Shiv Nadar School, Faridabad.
                                      is an enthralling and      “The Centa TPO ranking is validation of my capabili-
                                      overwhelming experience.   ties as a physics teacher. I have been writing this olym-
                                      This olympiad is an an-  piad for several years and my good scores have improved
             nual reminder that being a teacher means being a student   my career prospects resulting in continuous promotions.
             for a lifetime. I decided to write this exam as I wanted to   I am excited about teaching the IGCSE curriculum this
             add freshness to my teaching and crack the glass ceiling.   year.”
             I look forward to interacting with fellow teachers on the
             Centa platform and constantly improving my teaching   Saurabh Mundra
             skills.”                                          Founder, The Third Eye — Beyond the Obvious, Indore
                                                               Subject: Middle School maths #1
             Dipayan Burman
             Teacher                                              n engineering
             Prakriya Green Wisdom School, Bengaluru           Agraduate of SGSITS,
             Subject: Secondary School maths #1                Indore, with an MBA
                                                               from NMIMS, Mumbai,
                 n alumnus of Manipal                          Saurabh Mundra served
             AInstitute of Technol-                            as senior faculty with CH
             ogy and Christ Univer-                            EdgeMakers & Endeavour
             sity, Bengaluru, Dipayan                          Careers Pvt. Ltd before
             Burman worked for three                           promoting Aptitude Train-
             years as a software engi-                         ing Destination, The Third
             neer before switching to                          Eye — Beyond the Obvi-
             teaching. In May last year,                       ous, Indore, a coaching
             Burman was appointed fa-                          centre preparing students
             cilitator, secondary school                       for entrance exams of
             maths and physics at the                          higher education institutions.
             CBSE-affiliated Prakriya                            “Since I am not a school teacher, it was more chal-
             Green Wisdom School,                              lenging for me to write the Centa TPO, as it tests not only
             Bengaluru.                                        subject knowledge but also classroom management capa-
                “I was pleasantly surprised to learn that I had topped   bilities, soft skills etc. However since I’ve been teaching
             secondary school maths. I am grateful for this recogni-  B-school aspirants for the past few years I acquired some
             tion. While preparing for the Centa TPO, I reflected in-  classroom management experience. There are many like

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