Page 67 - EW April 2021
P. 67

Centa TPO 2020 Top 10 schools                        We are proud that

                                                                  EuroSchool teachers have
                                                     No. of    “performed brilliantly in
               Rank                                  winning   Centa TPO 2020. In EuroSchools,
                                                    teachers   we believe in providing rigorous,
                1    Shiv Nadar Schools                46      relevant and meaningful
                2    City Montessori School, Lucknow   33      academic experiences to our
                3    Delhi Public Schools (Takshila Education Society)  27  students. This cannot happen
                4    Reliance Foundation Schools       27      without effective teachers who
                5    EuroSchools                       14      are tried, tested and certified as
                6    The Kindergarten Starters, Dubai  7       such. Participation in the annual
                7    Arya Vidya Mandir, Mumbai         4       Centa TPO enables us to transform our teachers into
                                                               great teachers” — Shruthi Yalamalli Arun, principal,
                8    LEAD Schools                      4       EuroSchool, Whitefield, Bengaluru
                9    Ahlcon International School, Delhi*  3
                10   Asian College of Teachers, Kolkata  2
                                                                                    I am excited that teachers
                                                                                    not just from my school, but
              * Though there are other schools with 3 winners, the expert        “across India, enthusiastically
              panel used historical performance in TPO as a tiebreaker.          participated in Centa TPO 2020.
                                                                                 Our teachers are eager to learn
                                                                                 and constantly improve and Centa
              Institutional reactions                                            TPO is an excellent platform for

                                                                                 them to test their skills against
                 Our teachers’ engagement                                        the best in India and around the
                 with and adoption of the                                        world. I am very pleased that
              “Centa TPO is intensive.                         participation in the Centa TPO has resulted in improved
              When teachers are prepared to                    competencies of our teachers. The energy and enthusiasm
              test themselves to know where                    they have shown to write the Centa TPO every year makes
              they stand in their fraternity,                  me very happy” — Asha Alexander, principal, GEMS
              they are incentivised to upgrade                 Kindergarten Starters, Dubai
              and improve. It’s reassuring
              to learn that our teachers are                      It’s very reassuring that our
              the best in India, following a                      teachers have performed
              test administered by a credible teacher certification  “exceptionally well in the
              organisation” — Col. (Retd.) Gopal Karunakaran,  rigorous Centa TPO 2020. This is
              CEO, Shiv Nadar Schools                          proof that they are not only great
                                                               at their jobs but are also deeply
                                      I am thrilled that CMS   invested in continuous learning
                                      has the second largest   and professional development.
                                   “number of Centa TPO        I am confident this tradition of
                                   2020 winners. We want to    participating in and topping the
                                   grow this number because    TPO will be continued by the school’s teachers in the
                                   teacher competence and      future” — Damanjit Kaur Sabherwal, principal, Arya
                                   professionalism is critically   Vidya Mandir School, Juhu, Mumbai
                                   important for schools to
                                   deliver high quality education.                Centa is pronounced in our
                                   To be able to develop 21st                     schools as ‘Santa’ because of the
              century skills such as critical thinking and problem-           “prizes and awards the Centa TPO
              solving in children, teachers need to have them first.          confers on our teachers. The annual
              The Centa TPO incentivises teachers to develop these            Centa TPO is not only transforming
              skills while encouraging them to demonstrate their              our teachers into subject experts, but
              subject expertise and invest in continuous professional         also into reflective, enquiring and
              development” — Geeta Gandhi Kingdon, president                  transformative educators” — Dr.
              and managing director, City Montessori School,                  Ashok Pandey, director, Ahlcon
              Lucknow                                          Group Schools, Delhi

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