Page 22 - EducationWorld January 2021
P. 22
Education Notes
DELHI wide. The portal provides examine the content of all University (estb.2006) in
Innovative NHAI information on college, class I-X social science and the temple town to the sta-
initiative vocational institute schol- language textbooks. tus of a Central university.
arships, entrance exams “The Centre has
New delhi, december 3. and career pathways. HARYANA recently given national
The civil engineering “This portal is a signifi- Awakened Citizens (Central) status to three
faculties of 18 IITs, 26 cant medium for equip- educational institutions.
NITs and 190 other re- ping secondary and higher Programme In the same manner, I
puted engineering colleges secondary students in the GuruGram, december 20. request the Union govern-
countrywide have signed state to navigate a smooth A Vivekananda Institute ment to accord national
collaboration agreements transition from school of Values (VIV) with an status to SV Vedic Univer-
with the National High- to work through higher estimated project cost sity which will be the first
way Authority of India education,” said Monika of Rs.22 crore is under of its type in the country,”
(NHAI). Under the terms Nielsen, chief of field of- construction in Gurugram. Reddy urged the minister
of these agreements, each fice, Unicef, speaking on VIV will serve as a training during a recent visit to the
institution will be permit- the occasion. hub for the values edu- national capital.
ted to ‘adopt’ a stretch of a cation-related Awakened
national highway to enable KARNATAKA CitizensProgramme (ACP) MADHYA PRADESH
its faculty, research schol- Textbook revision introduced by former Primary schools
ars and students to make HRD minister Smriti Irani
them subjects of study, order in 2015 in 5,000 schools lockdown
said education ministry beNGaluru, december 18. countrywide, said Ramak- bhopal, december 5. Fol-
officials addressing a press The Karnataka Textbook rishna Mission secretary lowing a recent review
conference. Society has been directed Swami Shantatmananda at meeting of the state’s
The partner institutes to remove specified con- a press conference. education ministry, chief
will offer safety, main- tent from a class VI social A collaboration agree- minister Shivraj Singh
tenance, riding comfort, science textbook, after the ment between the mis- Chouhan announced
congestion removal and Brahmin Development sion and the Delhi-based that classes I-VIII in all
new technologies usage Board complained that the Central Board of Second- 150,000 primary/elemen-
suggestions to NHAI for content was “insulting” to ary Education was signed tary schools in the state —
consideration. NHAI will their community. in 2014 to implement ACP including private schools
provide two-month intern- The impugned content in all CBSE schools. Since — will remain shuttered
ships to 20 undergrad highlighted by the minister then, the programme has until March 31, to protect
and 20 postgrad students included sentences such as impacted over 100,000 primary school children
of these institutions “Sanskrit was the language students and trained against the Coronavirus.
every year. They will be of priests and the common 41,000 teachers in 5,000 The chief minister
paid monthly stipends of man could not understand schools including Jawahar added that no exams will
Rs.8,000 and Rs.15,000 it”and “food scarcity was Navodaya Vidyalayas and be conducted for students
respectively. caused by Brahmanic reli- Kendriya Vidyalayas in of these classes this year.
gious rituals offering large Madhya Pradesh, Haryana Instead, they will be evalu-
ODISHA quantities of foodgrains, and Rajasthan. ated on the basis of their
Career guidance milk, ghee and other project work, said Chou-
portal material” and “sacrificing Status upgrade han, addressing the media.
“Schools will open
animals that were helpful
bhubaNeswar, december to farmers in cultivation” shortly for students of
25. In collaboration with contributed towards food appeal classes X and XII to enable
the UN International scarcities. TirupaTi, december 9. Y.V. them to prepare for board
Children’s Emergency In a note to the society, Subba Reddy, chairman of exams. But social distanc-
Fund (Unicef), the state the primary and second- the Tirumala Tirupati Dev- ing and other norms must
government has launched ary education minister S. asthanams (TTDs), has re- be fully observed in the
an Odia language mo- Suresh Kumar highlighted quested Union education classrooms to prevent
bile phone-friendly controversial content in minister Ramesh Pokhri- spread of the pandemic,”
career guidance portal the textbook and recom- yal ‘Nishank’ to upgrade he said.
for secondary and higher mended constitution of the government-promoted Paromita Sengupta with bureau
secondary students state- an expert committee to Sri Venkateswara Vedic inputs