Page 23 - EducationWorld January 2021
P. 23
Education Briefs
Cambridge-Enguru’s domain will run in two phases — the dents countrywide aged 13-18. Under
Upskill first covering states of Maharashtra, rules of the contest, all participants
Delhi and Haryana — and Bihar and
will be given 10 days training and
beNGaluru, december 17. Cambridge some other states in the second phase. mentorship through Callido’s Clever
Assessment English, a department The project will provide theoretical Harvey’s Junior CEO program to learn
of Cambridge University (UK), has and on-job training modules to indi- the fundamentals of entrepreneurship
teamed up with the Bengaluru-based viduals followed by placement. Post — identifying market need, design-
Enguru Live English Learning to training, students will be absorbed as ing business models, market sizing,
launch Upskill, a new smartphone- patient attendants, janitors, general rapid testing and presenting a busi-
based test of English. Upskill will en- duty attendants, etc. The project is ness pitch. Finalists will present their
hance the employability of graduates expected to place about 580 trainees ideas in a competition held between
aspiring for entry level jobs in cor- by end-December 2020. January 6-10, 2021, before a panel of
porate organisations and covers four industry specialists. Winners will be
skills — speaking, listening, reading Imagine Cup 2021 awarded recognition and attractive
and writing. Built around users’ life- prizes.
styles, this affordable, flexible test can New delhi, december 3. Microsoft India “I am amazed by the creativity,
be taken on the Enguru app on an An- and the National Skill Development problem-solving and business acumen
droid device anytime, anywhere. It fo- Corporation (NSDC) have combined teenagers have displayed. This part-
cuses on levels A1-B1 of the Common to launch the Microsoft Imagine Cup nership with IIT-Roorkee’s e-Summit
European Framework of Reference, to 2021, an innovation challenge for is a fantastic opportunity for students
show potential employers that candi- technology students. Imagine Cup is to gain exposure to industry leaders
dates have work-ready English skills. a global competition designed to mo- and learn from the best,” said Ram
“Our mission is to help people to tivate students to apply artificial intel- Subramanian, CEO and co-founder
learn English and prove their skills to ligence and other technologies to solve of Clever Harvey, speaking on the oc-
the world. We’ve developed Upskill some of the world’s most critical so- casion.
as a quick, flexible, easily accessible, cial and sustainability problems. This To register for the e-Summit see
mobile based test which will boost year’s Imagine Cup will be held on- https://www.iitroorkee-esummit.
the employability of graduates and line with students competing to solve
entry level working professionals,” global challenges in four categories —
says T.K. Arunachalam, regional earth, education, health and lifestyle. HLC launches Beyond 8
director — South Asia, of Cambridge “The Imagine Cup competition is
Assessment English. a platform for youth of India to cou- cheNNai, december 1. Beyond 8 Educa-
ple technology with innovative ideas tion, a unit of the Headstart Learning
Hyundai launches Saksham and build something that matters to Centre (HLC), Chennai, launched a
them, makes a difference in their com-
heutagogy or learner-determined ap-
mumbai, december 7. Hyundai Motor munities and creates societal impact. proach to education programme pro-
India Foundation, the CSR arm of Our partnership with NSDC has been viding full-time liberal education for
Hyundai Motor India Ltd, launched formed to empower young people children above 14 years of age. HLC
‘Saksham,’ a skills development ini- across the country to collaborate, prepares students for National Insti-
tiative to boost employment opportu- innovate and build for a sustainable tute of Open Schooling (NIOS), Delhi
nities in diverse sectors, starting with future,” said Dr. Rohini Srivathsa, and Cambridge (IGCSE/A Level), UK
healthcare. National Technology Officer of Micro- board examinations.
Commenting on commencement soft, speaking on the occasion. “At Beyond 8, we aim to bring lib-
of the programme, S.S. Kim, MD & eral education into the mainstream,
CEO, Hyundai Motor India Ltd said: National entrepreneurship so that parents and children find it
“Our Saksham initiative is aimed at easier to understand the long-term
empowering youth in vulnerable sec- contest benefits and impact of this form of ed-
tions of society to become self-reliant. ucation. Our high school programme
The initiative is a step towards provid- mumbai, december 3. The Mumbai- is designed to prepare young, teen
ing skilled and trained support staff based Callido Learning Pvt. Ltd has students to face the complexities of
including medical attendants and partnered with IIT Roorkee’s e-Sum- our ever-changing world, thrive in a
janitors. The courses are certified by mit program to launch an entrepre- skilled, knowledge economy and de-
the National Skill Development Cor- neurship competition for school stu- velop the right attitude to lead mean-
poration.” dents. ingful lives,” says Raaji Naveen, co-
The first project in the healthcare The competition is open to all stu- founder, Beyond 8.