Page 25 - EducationWorld January 2021
P. 25


                                      Is Interdisciplinary Learning an

                                      Imminent Reality for India?

                 t is often at the cusp of different   Policy (NEP) 2020 claims. As we stand on
                 perspectives that the greatest   the verge of a breakthrough reform, the NEP
                 discoveries, innovations and solutions   promises a bold change. One that espouses
             Iare found. The brilliant Leonardo da   interdisciplinarity in its very core. The breaking
             Vinci was an epic exemplar of the capability   down of disciplinary boundaries is a big
             of the human mind to transcend boundaries   leap from traditional learning frameworks.
             in the pursuit of curiosity and creation. He is   Systematically restructuring the way learning
             known as famously for his artistic work as   has taken place for decades, even centuries,
             for his thoughts on engineering, technology,   the NEP demands educators, policy makers,
             anatomy, astronomy, architecture and so   and students to step up and brace themselves
             much more. The “Renaissance Man” married   for change, even if it will come slowly.
             art and science in a way that was perhaps   Coming from a time when academic
             unprecedented. Through the likes of da   disciplines don’t speak to each other,   Professor Arjya B. Majumdar
             Vinci, history has time and again validated   creating interdisciplinary curriculum, effective
             the importance of interdisciplinarity. Yet there   pedagogy, skilling teachers, among others,   possibilities of the future.
             has been growing concern that the education   will be milestones to look forward to as India   The push to consider the real world
             system, particularly in developing countries   revamps itself to tap into the potential of   learning outcomes of interdisciplinarity has
             like India, has systematically separated the   interdisciplinarity.  gained momentum globally over the past
             connections between different perspectives –   It will challenge young people to embark   decades. It is firmly established at the world’s
             compartmentalised disciplines.   on academic pursuits with more freedom,   best universities like Harvard, Oxford, Yale,
               The idea of holistic learning is at its core   imagination and abandon than ever before.   Stanford, Princeton, and so on. Yet in India,
             interred with interdisciplinarity. But as subjects   Looking at life through a multidisciplinary lens   only a niche set of schools and universities
             evolved, delving deeper into the development   will result in the ability to approach problems   have adopted this approach. At O.P. Jindal
             of their unique fields, somewhere along   from a broader perspective. And that’s just   Global University, we have consciously held
             the way, methods of teaching and learning   what’s needed today.  interdisciplinarity at the core of learning.
             became a little more rigid, less fluid. Perhaps   If you think about the most burning issues   This means that students enrolled in
             in the quest for super specialisations, or   of the contemporary world – climate change,   each of the ten schools – law, business,
             even to an extent, to make students more   sustainability, inequality, poverty, justice,   international relations, liberal arts,
             employable in their chosen paths.  human rights, international relations, conflict,   architecture, journalism, public policy,
               But what constitutes employability today?   war and peace – their solutions cannot be   banking, environment or psychology – take up
             Can disciplinary knowledge alone cover the   located simply within a singular field. The   foundational interdisciplinary courses within
             breadth of possibilities that this modern world   “real world” which we, as educators, prepare   their schools, and also study cross-listed
             beholds? And perhaps, most importantly –   our students to enter, is complex. And it’s   electives across the board.
             are students able to make the most of their   in the interplay between disciplines that we   Multidisciplinarity is important for a number
             education? The answers to these questions,   can find holistic answers. We must therefore   of reasons. It not only exposes students to
             just as the nature of learning and knowledge,   equip students to live successfully amidst the   new and diverse disciplines, thoughts or
             are constantly evolving. The lines between   dynamic realities of the world, by inspiring   perspectives, but helps them discover what
             disciplines blur in a world that’s grown more   creativity, innovation and broader thinking.   interests them, and how to contextualise
             interconnected than ever before.  Armed with interdisciplinary learning, students   their specialised areas of study with other
               Yet for far too long, the Indian education   can find their place in this ever-evolving world.  disciplines.
             system has kept disciplines distanced from   Contrary to traditional curricula that   As students prepare to enter a world
             each other. Beginning from early childhood to   are designed to transform students into a   that is increasingly multifaceted itself,
             higher education, learning traditionally takes   cohort of specialised professionals with   interdisciplinarity can no longer be overlooked
             place in silos. High school and undergraduate   advanced knowledge in a particular domain,   in the classroom. So its inclusion as a central
             students are typically required to choose   multidisciplinarity takes a different route to   goal of the NEP is not only welcome in the
             between streams and subjects. As teenagers,   “employability”. Students gain an arsenal   academic world, but overdue. It remains to
             they carry the weight of decisions that could   of skills that are easily transferable across   be seen if the policy can revolutionise the
             direct, change and even narrow their futures.  different fields– problem-solving, critical   education system. In the end, disciplinarity
               It’s a tall task to ask of young people in their   thinking, team work, time management,   and interdisciplinarity must go hand-in-hand.
             formative years. Years that could be better   strong communication, analysis and research   So that students may not only gain knowledge
             spent exploring their options, discovering   methodologies, and much more – which   during their academic life but nurture a holistic
             interests, learning as much as possible,   equip them with the flexibility to choose   outlook that sets the tone for lifelong learning.
             absorbing a more holistic worldview that will   their own path. In the rapidly changing and
             enable them to grow into well-rounded, open-  highly demanding modern context, traditional
             minded, sensitive and intelligent young adults.  degrees tend to leave graduates wanting,   Professor Arjya B. Majumdar
               All that is about to change. At least, that   whereas multidisciplinary talent has the power   Dean, Admissions & Outreach
             is what the revolutionary National Education   to overcome the challenges and conquer the   O.P. Jindal Global University

                                                 EDUCATIONWORLD  JANUARY 2021
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