Page 46 - EducationWorld January 2021
P. 46


                                                                               years since I promoted THA, I have
                                                                               invested substantial time in deeply
                                                                               researching educational pedagogies,
                                                                               health education in the US and India,
                                                                               and have also published four student
                                                                               workbooks and teacher manuals for
                                                                               class VI-VII children in our pilot
                                                                               project. I am delighted the National
                                                                               Education Policy, 2020 proposes
                                                                               that health education is included in
                                                                               school curriculums,” says Mehra.
                                                                               Future plans. Looking ahead, Mehra
                                                                               has ambitious plans for THA. “First,
                                                                               we plan to write student workbooks
                                                                               and teacher manuals for classes
                                                                               K-XII, then scale up our programme
                                                                               and develop a financially sustainable
                                                                               model. To begin with, we intend to
             Mehra: comprehensive health education curriculum                  work with CBSE and Delhi govern-
                                                                               ment schools and gradually with
             Focused visionary                                                 schools affiliated with other educa-
                                                                               tion boards. For training teachers,
                                                                               our plan is to certify them on health
                   elhi/Canon City, Colorado   behaviour in Bluebells International   education as well as explore the pos-
                   (USA)-based public health   which will be evaluated at the end of   sibility of starting our own teacher
             Devangelist DR. RAHUL            the academic year after completion   training institution,” says Mehra,
             MEHRA is the founder-promoter    of a minimum 40 hours of health   clearly an individual with focused
             of Tarang Health Alliance (THA,   education. Moreover, monthly par-  vision.
             estb.2016), a non-profit promoted   ent engagement meetings are being     Paromita Sengupta (Bengaluru)
             with the mission to develop innova-  conducted during which we provide
                                              healthy nutrition, physical activity
             tive content and train teachers to   and mental health advice to parents,”  Learning gaps
             implement THA’s comprehensive
             health education curriculum —    says Mehra.                      innovator
             covering physical, mental and social   History. An alum of India’s premier
             well-being — in schools countrywide.   IIT-Kharagpur with a Ph D in bio-
                Mehra was recently appointed   medical engineering awarded by       KTA GROVER is founder of
             India’s national representative to the   New York University, USA, Mehra   the mint new Shunya Impact
             Unesco Global Health and Educa-  has over three decades of experience  EPvt. Ltd (estb.2020), Benga-
             tion programme which produces    as a research scientist in the medical   luru, which has designed the Shunya
             and shares knowledge to improve   industry and academia (Medtronic   Intelligent Classroom Learning Man-
             the health of children and youth   Inc, Minneapolis, Montefiore Hos-  agement System (LMS) mobile app
             worldwide.                       pital, Bronx, Brooklyn VA Medical   for K-12 students. Based on latest
             Newspeg. Empowered by CSR        Center and Manhattan College, New   machine learning and artificial intel-
             (corporate social responsibility)   York) and has registered 75 patents   ligence technologies, Shunya LMS
             funding and a grant from the Rotary   in his name.                enables students and teachers to post
             Foundation, last June after train-  Direct talk. Mehra attributes the   class notes and assignments digitally
             ing their teachers, THA introduced   low longevity (average 69 years) of   to receive assessment feedback and
             online health education programmes   Indians — significantly lower than of   remedial education assistance.
             for class VI students of three schools   China, Sri Lanka and even Bangla-  Newspeg. In November, the com-
             — Bluebells International School,   desh — to unhealthy lifestyles and   pany was named among the Top
             Raghav Global School and Soami   practices. “Healthy lifestyles need   100 edtech companies in India and
             Nagar Model School — in the na-  to be developed from childhood.   South-east Asia by HolonIQ, a San
             tional capital.                  Therefore, THA’s goal is to make   Francisco-based ‘global intelligence
                “We are studying the impact of the   health education mandatory in all   platform for education’.
             programme on health knowledge and   K-12 schools. Over the past five   History. A computer science engi-

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