Page 51 - EducationWorld January 2021
P. 51
Career Focus
YOUR COUNSELOR qualify as an architect. What subjects has beamed a searchlight on careers
The current Covid-19 pandemic
should I opt for in Plus Two?
— URVI SATISH, Coimbatore
REPLIES mandatory Plus Two subjects for related to biotechnology and microbi-
Physics, chemistry and math are
ology. Biotechnology is a good career
option for youth interested in biology,
youth aspiring to qualify as architects, research and micro-organisms. As a
I recently completed my Plus Two and successful completion of Plus biotechnologist, you will be expected
(science) but I’ve taken a gap year Two is the minimum eligibility to to study genetic, physical and
because of the Covid-19 pandemic write NATA (National Aptitude Test chemical attributes of cells and other
disruption. Please suggest ways I can in Architecture) admission exam organisms to develop new technolo-
make the maximum use of my gap conducted twice a year between gies, processes and products that will
year. April-August by the Delhi-based improve the quality of human life.
— PRERNA KUMAR, Nagpur Council of Architecture for admission Higher education institutions of-
Use this time to hone your skills into the five-year B.Arch degree fering study programmes in biotech-
and gain valuable experience. Scout programmes. nology are: SRM Institute of Science
for internships and apprenticeship Alternatively, you could opt for a and Technology, Chennai; Lovely
opportunities on LinkedIn, Intern- three-year diploma programme in Professional University, Phagwara;
shala, Indeed,, etc. Also note architecture after class X, and then Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi; All
that Google is offering free-of-charge write the NATA exam. For admis- India Institute of Medical Sciences,
online IT courses and certification. sion into the schools of architecture New Delhi; IIT, Bombay; Maharaja
Similar courses are available on of IIT-BHU, Varanasi, IIT-Roorkee Sayajirao University, Vadodara and
Udemy, EdX, Coursera and other e- and IIT-Kharagpur, aspirants need to Vellore Institute of Technology.
learning platforms. clear the IIT-JEE (Advanced) exam
Moreover you could enrol in a and then write the AAT (Architecture I want to sign up for a management
course of your choice and upskill Aptitude Test). and business administration degree
yourself. Additionally, set time aside programme at a Canadian university.
for reading and/or researching sub- I have completed my BA in politi- What is the application process?
jects that interest you. You can also cal science. But I am also passionate — ANISHA BHAGAT, Dehradun
shortlist books from college reading about English and economics. What Canada is well reputed for business
lists. are my career options? management and administration
— NIKUNJ MEHTA, Surat education. Practical learning opportu-
I am a class XII (science) student keen Given your political science nities or ‘co-ops’ are a unique feature
on a career in data science and ma- qualification and love for English and of Canadian universities and allow
chine learning. Although I don’t intend economics, you could consider a students to acquire valuable work
to write the IIT-JEE exam, I want to career in journalism by signing up for experience during the course of the
sign up for an undergrad programme a short-term course in writing/ degree programme. Usually, co-ops
in these subjects. Please advise. journalism. A career in public life is are paid internships.
— DIVYANSH SINGH, Ludhiana also an option through the adminis- For admission into universities in
Several higher education institu- trative services (examinations Ontario, you are required to submit a
tions have introduced bachelor degree conducted by the Union Public completed OUAC 105 Undergraduate
programmes in these disciplines. Services Commission). As a govern- Application form. For all other uni-
Among the reputed institutions ment officer, you will become versities, applications are submitted
offering B.Sc degrees with specialisa- involved in framing state and national through college websites.
tion in data science and machine economic policies. Moreover signing Some universities also conduct
learning are: Vellore Institute of up with multinational finance online interviews. Among reputed Ca-
Technology; Manipal University; companies engaged in fund raising, nadian universities offering business
SRM Institute of Science and marketing and operational strategies management study programmes are:
Technology, Chennai; Amity Univer- is another high-potential career path. Toronto; British Columbia; McGill,
sity, Noida; Chandigarh University; Montreal; Waterloo; Queen’s; Kings-
Sathyabama Institute of Science and I am a class XII (science) student ton (Ontario) and York (Toronto)
Technology, Chennai, and Indrapr- studying chemistry, biology, econom- universities.
astha Institute of Information ics and math. I don’t wish to study
Technology, Delhi. medicine, but I am interested in a ca- (Responses in collaboration with Mindler Educa-
reer in biotechnology. Please advise. tion Pvt. Ltd, the well-reputed Gurgaon-based
I am a class X student aspiring to — SAMRIDHI SEN, Kolkata online career counseling company)