Page 48 - EducationWorld January 2021
P. 48
SAJGEI in 2017, Raturi acquired a
wealth of teaching and admin experi-
ence in several top-ranked schools
including the Assam Valley School,
Balipara, British School, Delhi, Lo-
reto Convent, Kolkata, The Shri Ram
School, Gurugram, and The Mom-
basa Academy, Kenya.
According to Raturi, STTAR’s
teacher training modules have been
designed after intensive research
of contemporary pedagogies and
international practice and processes.
“These training modules are practi-
cal and experiential, spanning vital
components of K-12 education such
as curriculum design, progression
and alignment, offline and online
effective teacher-pupil interaction,
structured digital lesson plans, class- Fogla: enjoyable homeschooling modules
room observation and management,”
she says. development. Currently, the portal to introduce my boys to language,
Future plans. As and when schools has 50,000 registered followers. numeracy and social skills. I was
reopen, the academy will also of- Newspeg. Between May and August pleasantly surprised to find they
fer hybrid, i.e, a blend of face-to- last year, Fogla launched three were not only having fun learn-
face and online teacher training homeschooling modules covering ing, but also retaining knowledge
programmes. “Post Covid, hybrid foundational literacy, phonetics through my self-designed activities
teacher training is likely to become and numeracy which have received and games. This inspired me to share
normative. This fits in well with our enthusiastic response from parents. these modules with other parents
objective of expanding our opera- “These modules enable parents who appreciated them. I also exten-
tions countrywide while continuous- to homeschool youngest children sively researched learning modules
ly updating content and developing during the pandemic. The modules covering STEM and art and crafts
master trainers. Our sophisticated comprise enjoyable activities which activities to enable the creative and
online training programmes will also are easy to implement in home cognitive development of youngest
enable us to provide in-service train- environments, and ensure that children,” says Fogla.
ing to government school teachers in children are prepared when schools Self-funded by this mompre-
remote rural areas,” says Raturi. resume. We are all set to launch neur, 2monkeysandme parental aid
Wind in your sails! our fourth and fifth homeschooling and advice is available to follow-
Autar Nehru (Delhi) modules in a month’s time,” says ers free-of-charge on Instagram,
Fogla. Facebook and YouTube. However,
Innovative History. A commerce graduate of homeschooling learning modules are
priced at Rs.499 onwards.
the J.D. Birla College, Kolkata with
mompreneur a postgrad degree in international Future plans. Fogla is now work-
accounting and finance from the
ing on a plan to roll out an online
Cass Business School, London, Fogla digital teachers’ hub next year. “The
HRADDHA FOGLA (35) is began her career in 2008 in her fam- objective of the educators hub is to
founder of 2monkeysandme ily’s company MPA Financial Ser- encourage teachers around the coun-
S(estb.2018), a Kolkata-based vices Pvt. Ltd. This was followed by try to share creative curriculums and
online portal for parents of chil- a stint with another family company, pedagogies which enable activity-
dren aged six months to nine years. BFS Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. In 2014, based home learning. We will also
Parenting advice apart, the portal she took a sabbatical after the birth transform our website into an e-
features home activities, games, of her first-born. commerce portal for sale of products
science experiment modules, STEM “In 2017, I had my second son. and services for children,” says this
and DIY activities to boost children’s Subsequently, I began researching innovative young mompreneur.
sensory, motor skills and cognitive enjoyable activities and pedagogies Baishali Mukherjee (Kolkata)