Page 17 - EW May 2020 for Flipbuilder
P. 17

However, UGC spokespersons                                             level.  This  generated  a
             stress that the guidelines are advi-                                      major Centre-state proto-
             sory and universities have the auton                                      col row as according to Ba-
             omy to adjust them to local condi-                                        nerjee, prior intimation of
             tions. “In view of the location and                                       the IMCT visit should have
             diversity of universities and colleges,                                   been given to the state gov-
             their level of preparedness, residen-                                     ernment.  However,  after
             tial status of the students, status of                                    a  state  government  order
             the Covid-19 pandemic spread in                                           confining  the  IMCT  team
             different regions/states and other                                        to its hotel, it was allowed
             factors, the universities, after making                                   to  conduct  a  four-day  in-
             a comprehensive assessment of all                                         vestigation.
             such factors may chart out a-plan                                            With the Union ministry
             for examinations and the academic                                         of home affairs under BJP’s
             calendar, to deal with any sort of   Banerjee: evident jitters            master  election  strategist
             exigency,” writes UGC secretary,                                          A m  it  S h a h  closely moni-
             R a j e s h   J a in , in a covering letter of   the state, placing the entire popula-  toring  West  Bengal  (which  goes  to
             the guidelines.                  tion of Bengal at risk. In particular,   the polls next summer) following the
                Delhi-based monitors of India’s   the BJP accuses the state government   IMCT  report,  chief  minister  Baner-
             chaotic education scenario are   of “not conducting sufficient testing in   jee is evidently jittery. The TMC has
             pleasantly surprised by the creative   West Bengal against the national aver-  roped in the widely reputed P ra s h a n t
             and constructive response of the   age of 198 per million,” alleges B a b u l    K is h or, also a master election strate-
             usually ponderous bureaucracies of   S u p riy o, minister of state for envi-  gist who formerly worked with the BJP
             the school exam boards and UGC in   ronment, forest and climate change in   and Congress, to take charge of TMC’s
             particular. The situation may yet be   the Union government at the Centre.   social media platform to counter the
             saved.                           Moreover, BJP state president D il ip    BJP’s anti-TMC campaign.
                              Autar Nehru (Delhi)   G h os h   accuses  Mamata  Banerjee   ince then, apart from highlighting
                                              and her government of suppressing  Sthe relative success of the TMC in
               WEST BENGAL                    Covid-19 positive cases and fatalities   fighting the Covid-19 pandemic, the
             Beneficial fallout               and misusing the public distribution   state government is also advertising
                                              system (PBS) to support TMC sym-
                                                                               initiatives taken to ensure continua-
                                              pathisers and supporters.        tion of classes in K-12 education. Un-
                N MARCH, WEST BENGAL CHIEF minister   Banerjee’s discomfiture has been   like several state governments which
                M  a m  a ta   B a n e rj e e  was riding a   exacerbated  with  some  government   have generated controversy by direct-
             Iwave  of  popularity  for  her  deft   doctors and health workers alleging   ing  private  schools  to  refrain  from
             management  of  the  Covid-19  pan-  that they are being forced to fight the   collecting school fees, in an April 25
             demic  sweeping  the  country,  which   Covid-19 pandemic without adequate   message to West Bengal’s 1,200 pri-
             has  provoked  a  national  lockdown   PPE (personal protection equipment)   vate schools, education minister P a r-
             of business and leisure activity from   including masks and gloves, and to   th a   C h a tte rj e e   restricted  himself
             March  25  to  May  16.  On  April  28,   certify Covid deaths as other causes.   to advising them not to raise tuition
             West Bengal reported a mere 649 Co-  Reacting to these allegations, Baner-  fees this year and to switch to online
             vid positive cases, 105 cured and 20   jee  has  constituted  a  five-member   classes. Moreover, to ensure continu-
             fatalities  against  33,050,  8,325  and   committee of reportedly TMC-friendly   ity of education in the state’s 95,000
             1,074 nationally. Inevitably, these rosy   bureaucrats and doctors, to endorse   government  schools,  the  TMC  gov-
             — perhaps too rosy — statistics have   the state government’s Covid-19 data   ernment has tied up with the Anand
             generated a political storm in the state   and refute poor working conditions   Bazar Patrika (ABP) Group to beam
             with a population of 91 million.   allegations.                   live lectures for classes X and XII stu-
                The  BJP,  which  has  latterly   Sensing  a  political  opportunity,   dents through its ABP Ananda televi-
             emerged as the main opposition par-  West  Bengal’s  governor  J a g de e p    sion channel, to prepare them for their
             ty of West Bengal, has orchestrated   D h a n k h a r, a hand-picked, selected   board exams next year.
             a massive social media campaign al-  appointee of the BJP government at   Comments  K ris h n a k ol i  R a y ,
             leging that the ruling Trinamool Con-  the Centre, reportedly invited an in-  headmistress of Jaynagar Institution
             gress (TMC) government has allowed   ter-ministerial central team (IMCT)   for  Girls,  a  state  government-aided
             dilution of lockdown and quarantine   to assess the state government’s man-  school  on  the  outskirts  of  Kolkata:
             norms in Muslim-dominated areas of   agement of the pandemic at ground   “This is an excellent initiative by the

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