Page 19 - EW May 2020 for Flipbuilder
P. 19
IIHMR University: 35 Years of
Institutional Excellence
his is a crucial moment of the Today, IIH MR University is established as
corona pandemic in India and the South Asian Region’s premier knowledge
around the world, and IIH MR institution dedicated to world-class research
TUniversity has an imperative to and education in the management of
both serve and lead. IIH MR University is healthcare, hospital, pharmaceutical, and
closely monitoring the ongoing COVID-1 9 development sectors. The institution offers Dr. Pankaj Gupta
pandemic, and our top priority remains MBA, MPH (in collaboration with JH U), Asia Public H ealth Education Institutions
the health, safety, and well-being of our doctoral programs, executive education, Network (SEAPH EIN) awarded IIH MR
community, on and off-campus. We are taking research and consultancy in the fields of University with the ‘ Public H ealth L eadership
decisive, informed action to limit the spread hospital management, health management, Award’ for its significant contribution in
of COVID-1 9 while ensuring the continuity pharmaceutical management, rural promoting public health education in the
of our teaching and research mission. We management, and a variety of fields related to region.
have begun transitioning to virtual instruction the health sector. The institution has played We have a research legacy of 35 years.
for students. The goal of these changes is to a pioneering role in establishing health Excellence in research comes from our
minimize the need to gather in large groups management as a distinctive discipline in India e perienced faculty and research officers.
and spend prolonged time in proximity to each and overseas. Research is a major focus at IIH MR University,
other in spaces such as classrooms, dining IIH MR is committed to becoming an which has been evident through our expansion
halls, and residential buildings. Together we internationally acclaimed healthcare and and outreach to industry by getting into active
will propel the University’s collective work to research institute. With a global outlook collaborations with renowned organisations.
confront, understand, and solve all the major grounded in Indian ethos, with students keen Research collaboration is not an additional
public health challenges we all face. to excel, a competent and dedicated faculty, feather in our cap but an integral part of our
To begin with, the university has started meticulously designed curriculum, excellent growth strategy. It has conducted more than
online teaching in the MPH program – a infrastructure, a global network of alumni, and 8 00 research projects and studies in health
collaborative program with Johns H opkins international collaborations, IIH MR University policies and programs at the national and
Bloomberg School of Public H ealth, Baltimore, is the most desirable university in healthcare. international levels. These research areas
USA. IIH MR University is leaving no stone We are striving to build further on the strong include family welfare; maternal and child
unturned to reach out to its students. foundations and attain greater heights of health, health systems and policies, program
Therefore, the university is providing access to eminence. management, monitoring and evaluation
expert faculty, best practices, and other online Over the past thirty-five years, II R has of program, strategy planning, nutrition,
learning resources for their students. carved a niche for itself among management behavioral change communication, health
IIH MR University decided to conduct GD/PI institutions, both in India and abroad. In its policies, quality assurance, operations
online over the virtual communication app to long journey building around a culture of research, reproductive health, and gender
complete the admission process. The process action-oriented research, the University has health.
of digital GD/PI and online test commenced worked collaboratively with the Johns H opkins The Executive Education programs
from the 2nd week of May. Staying on Bloomberg School of Public H ealth, USA as running under the University offer curricula
schedule is the topmost priority of IIH MR well as international agencies like the World that are designed to enhance the leadership
University, and that is the reason to execute H ealth Organization (WH O), World Bank, and managerial skills by covering a wide
the entire admission process online. United Nations(UN), and Bill & Melinda Gates range of programs for individuals and
During the lockdown, the institution Foundation in a range of research, training, organizations engaged in areas of health
ensures that the faculty are engaged in and education activities. management, hospital management,
writing research proposals, writing papers IIH MR university has ranked 1 st amongst pharmaceutical management. Under this
in peer-reviewed journals, and mentoring the cleanest higher educational institutions program, IIH MR University trains as many as
students for summer training and dissertation. in India, in the category of non-residential 6 00+ professionals every year from almost 40
Students are encouraged to do online courses Universities-UGC, Swachh campus countries.
to enhance their skill set and use this time ranking-201 9 by the Ministry of H RD, On behalf of the IIH MR family, I take this
appropriately. In response to COVID-1 9 , we Government of India. Besides this, university opportunity to welcome all of you and specially
have started a webinar series for our students has been ranked 7 2 under the “Management our young, bright minds who are eager to
and alumni on critical thematic issues, Category” in India by the National Institutional explore new vistas of knowledge and become
and participation is encouraging. Student Ranking Framework (NIRF) 201 9 . Recently, part of this transformational journey.
mentoring is going on through online meetings the institution has also been accredited by Dr. Pankaj Gupta,
and webinars. NAAC. It is worth mentioning that southeast President, IIH MR University, Jaipur