Page 18 - EW May 2020 for Flipbuilder
P. 18

Education News

             state government and is a good way                                         chairman of Podar Edu-
             of keeping students pepped up. How                                         cation: “In light of many
             effective these online prep classes are                                    state government orders
             will soon become apparent. But it is                                       not to collect school fees
             certainly better than doing nothing.”                                      during the lockdown, it
             Calcutta University and its affiliated                                     has become an onerous
             colleges  are  also  conducting  online                                    task to meet institu-
             classes since March 31.                                                    tional expenses. Most
                With the 2021 legislative election                                      of a school’s expenses
             less than a year away and a resurgent                                      are fixed. Salaries for
             BJP in hot pursuit, chief minister Ba-                                     example, have to be paid
             nerjee and the TMC who are aspiring                                        whether or not the school
             for a third consecutive mandate, are                                       building is open. More-
             pulling  out  all  the  stops  to  provide                                 over, many schools have
             people-friendly health and education   Raghav Podar: fixed expenses burden  conducted online classes
             policies. Better late than never.                                          with overwhelming suc-
                       Baishali Mukherjee (Kolkata)  Schools in Maharashtra have   cess and appreciation of students
                                              been shut down since March 14 —   and parents. It is not fair that the
               MAHARASHTRA                    much before the nationwide lock-  education fraternity that is working
             Hard times                       down from March 25 decreed by    hard in this difficult time, is deprived
                                              prime minister Narendra Modi. On
                                                                               of tuition fees which goes directly
             confrontation                    March 30, a government resolution   into meeting teachers’ salaries.”
                                                                                   recent order by the Delhi high
                                              (GR) asked schools to refrain from
                                              demanding first quarter fees and di- A  court has correctly pointed out
                   RIVATE UNAIDED AKA inde-   rected them to “inform parents about   that “money does not grow on trees,
                   pendent, schools across    a payment schedule once school   and unaided schools, who receive
             PMaharashtra are up in arms      reopens”. Showing further lenience   no funds from the government, are
             against a directive of the state’s   towards parents who make up the   entirely dependent on fees, to defray
             Shiv Sena-led tri-party Maha Vikas   large middle-class electorate, the   their daily expenses. We, therefore,
             Aghadi (MVA) government to waive   minister instructed parents to com-  find that in allowing unaided schools
             school fees for the first quarter of   plain to district education officers   to charge tuition fees, whereby ex-
             the academic year 2020-21, because   against schools demanding fees.  penses incurred on salary, establish-
             of the loss of income of the parents   Private school promoters and par-  ments, and curricular activities may
             community following the nationwide   ticularly managements of upmarket   be defrayed by them.”
             lockdown of industry and business in   schools affiliated with the Council for   Unsurprisingly, the majority with-
             the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.  the Indian School Certificate Exami-  in the parents’ community support
                In Maharashtra, school fees   nations (CISCE) and Central Board   the government’s fee waiver decree.
             are paid quarterly and collected   of Secondary Education (CBSE) are   “It seems highly unlikely that private
             in advance. But a large number of   especially indignant because they   schools which have already collected
             parents haven’t paid school fees for   have pulled out all stops to adhere   quarterly and half yearly fees in ad-
             the quarter April-June. Manage-  to the academic calendar by switch-  vance cannot forego two months fees
             ments of the state’s 22,477 private   ing to online classes at considerable   in this emergency situation. Schools
             unaided schools, overwhelmingly   expense to train teachers to use   that are genuinely experiencing cash
             preferred by the middle class, warn   digital media to prepare lesson plans,   flow problems should share their bal-
             that they won’t be able to pay the   conduct online classes, design home-  ance sheets with the authorities who
             emoluments of 80,000 teachers and   work assessments and even interact   can then reconsider the decision on
             other support staff. The Maharashtra   with parents virtually after school   fees for that particular school,” says
             English School Trustees Associa-  hours. It is also pertinent to note   A n u b h a   S a h a i, president of the
             tion (MESTA, estb.2014), which has   that unlike government schools that   Mumbai-based Indiawide Parents
             a membership of 18,000 budget    begin their academic year in June,   Association.
             (affordable) private schools in 37   CBSE and CISCE schools follow aca-  The love-hate relationship
             districts statewide, has written to the   demic calendars ending March. Their   between private schools and their
             education minister V a rs h a   G a ik -  fees for the first quarter and/or first   parent communities is the outcome
             w a d  calling for urgent withdrawal of   semester became due on April 1.  of decades of socialist rhetoric pro-
             the directive.                     Comments R a g h a v   P oda r,   claimed by populist politicians and

             18    EDUCATIONWORLD   MAY 2020
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