Page 42 - EducationWorld October 2020
P. 42


         Fliplearn enabling every school

         to go online seamlessly by offering free

         subscription of Fliplearn Edge

                   study in 2016 on the   have been curated to give schools and   ability to hide or show features and
                   future of online education   teachers complete control of their stu-  can restrict access to a certain group
                   in India predicted that it   dents’ learning and to offer a fun and   of students.
         A  set to grow to more           interactive learning experience.   Moreover, the automatic correc-
         than twice its size by 2021. However,   Fliplearn Edge’s streamlined   tions built with AI , provides teachers
         what no one could have envisaged   curriculum features well-designed   the much needed respite from manual
         was that a pandemic would bring   integrated components that include   checking and can help them use the
         about an even more dramatic rise in   LIVE Class Conferencing,  2D and 3D   same time to provide individualized
         virtual learning, not only in India but   videos, practice tests, real-life applica-  attention to every child .
         worldwide. It’s fitting to say that the   tion, topic synopsis, diagram maker,   As partners in the education of
         education environment has changed   mind maps, and previous years   their children, parents are also able to
         forever.                         question papers. The platform offers   collaborate with their child’s teachers
           Over the past few months schools,   gamified quizzes as a participative   and school.
         students, teachers, and parents have   learning experience, thereby improv-  “Fliplearn helps Teachers and stu-
         adapted to new technologies and   ing the cognitive abilities of students   dents to link social learning with Home
         developed a level of comfort that was   and increasing their attention span.  Learning. The interactive worksheets are
         not there previously. Parents have   “Fliplearn has bridged all barriers and   really useful and students like to practice
         also become more discerning and   provided the platform where not only on-  through the same very much” - Rajitha,
         now look for e-learning platforms   line classes could be held but assignments   Maths Teacher, Bhartiya Vidya Bha-
         that offer them the best options.   and assessments were done with ease.The   van, Koyilandi, Calicut, Kerala
         Schools are doing the same.      quality of content enhanced the learning   By ensuring access to knowledge
           In view of the investment that   experience and the 24*7 support made   that is critical to students, Fliplearn
         schools and parents have had to make   available by the Fliplearn team is most   aims to play a key role in helping
         towards e-learning, cost has played a   commendable.”- Pallavi Dhir, HOD,   bridge the learning gap created due
         key role in this decision-making pro-  English Department, MDN Public   to the pandemic. The subscription fee
         cess. In light of this situation and to   School - Rohtak         waive-off is one move towards partic-
         ensure students have uninterrupted   Fliplearn Edge enables teachers to   ipating and contributing to continued
         access to knowledge, Fliplearn Edge,   upload videos, photos, or content at   education for students, teachers, and
         by Fliplearn, has stepped forward   will while allowing for individual in-  schools. In a world that is changing
         and waived off its subscription for all   novation and creativity. Teachers can   fast, tools of learning and education
         schools across the country for a lim-  also create question papers through   must keep pace so that our next gen-
         ited time.  The offer was announced    an inbuilt bank with each question   eration is equipped and empowered
         recently so that all schools across the   allowing a preset flexible format   to march ahead. The ed-tech industry
         country have access to best quality   for answers - objective type, short   and key players like Fliplearn are just
         solution for continued learning .  answer type, or long answer type.   rightly placed to help and adapt to the
           Launched in Jan 2020, even before   They can schedule a test or assess-  future, today.
         anyone anticipated the lockdown,   ment in advance. Other features that
         Fliplearn Edge, a virtual learning   can be enabled (and edited as and
         solution was launched for schools to    when required) include the number
         guide, monitor, and evaluate a stu-  of attempts, word limit, type, number
         dent’s learning even when the child is   of attachments uploaded, the time   Toll free no. 1800 103 0362
         away from school. The tool’s features   limit for a test. Teachers also have the

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