Page 45 - EducationWorld October 2020
P. 45

nity to curry favour with the influen-
             tial 300 million-strong middle class
             which overwhelmingly sign up their
             children  with  private  schools,  state
             governments have issued notifications
             directing private school managements
             to defer and/or waive tuition fees for
             the March-August period and/or offer
             fee concessions to parents. Paradoxi-
             cally, these notifications sternly direct
             school managements to continue pay-
             ing salaries to teachers and staff and
             provide online classes for students.
                A nationwide survey conducted by
             the National Independent Schools Al-
             liance (NISA) indicates that the fees of
             a mere 38 percent of school students
             countrywide have been paid during
             the  lockdown  period  of  April-June
             (see graphic p.40). In this connec-  Budget private school children: severely disrupted cash flows
             tion, it’s important to note that 70
             percent of the country’s 450,000 pri-  to pay teachers and staff. NISA has   culars and inciting parents, including
             vate schools levy tuition fees less than   launched a ‘Shiksha Bachao Andolan   those who can afford it, to  stop paying
             Rs.1,000 per month according to the   — Fund Students, Save Teachers, Save   school fees. It is a dire situation from
             Private Schools of India Report 2020   Schools’ — national campaign de-  which budget private schools which
             of  the  Delhi-based  Central  Square   manding a Rs.30,000 crore econom-  educate over 60 million children will
             Foundation (see EW cover story, Sep-  ic package to fund students through   take many years to recover,” warns
             tember 15).                      school vouchers and direct benefit   Kulbhushan Sharma, president of
             R         ECKLESS,  CONFUSING    ernment to give money to schools but   tion of a school vouchers/direct ben-
                                              transfers. NISA is not asking the gov-
                                                                                 NISA’s demand for implementa-
                                              to parents through school vouchers so
                       and contradictory cir-
                       culars and fees payment
                                                                               supported by several organisations
                       notifications issued by   they can use the money to pay fees.   efit transfer scheme is endorsed and
                                              However, there has not even been an
             the state governments of Maharash-  acknowledgement of our charter of   including the Delhi-based think tank
             tra, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and   demands from government. Instead,   Centre for Civil Society and Educa-
             Gujarat among others, have severely   state governments across the country   tionWorld.
             disrupted cash flows and the financial   are busy passing fees deferment cir-  On August 4, in association with
             viability of private schools — espe-  Sharma: school vouchers proposal  the Telangana Parents Association
             cially budget private schools. Simul-                             for Child Rights and Safety, Educa-
             taneously they have jeopardised the                               tionWorld launched a Covid-19 Action
             livelihoods of an estimated 5 million                             & Relief Fund for Education — CARE
             private school teachers with over 80                              National Campaign 2020 which pe-
             percent not paid their salaries for five                          titions  the  Central  government  to
             months, even as government school                                 initially endow a CARE Fund with a
             teachers continue to be paid from the                             sum of Rs.2,000 crore — equivalent
             public payroll.                                                   to 1 percent of the prime minister’s
                “Numerous letters of appeal to                                 economy stimulus package with an
             government authorities including                                  equal amount solicited from the public
             the PMO (prime minister’s office) to                              into a CARE corpus to be maintained
             save  India’s  budget  private  schools                           by the Union education ministry. The
             which have been hit hardest by the                                petition demands that the government
             Covid-19 pandemic have not elicited                               introduces education vouchers (from
             any response, not even words of sym-                              the CARE Fund) varying between
             pathy. With our revenue streams dry-                              Rs.500-1,000 per month to parents
             ing up, most BPS have not been able                               of low-income households for the ac-

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