Page 49 - EducationWorld October 2020
P. 49

                                  A Chance to Transform from High School

                                  Students to Financially Responsible

                     e are witness to the   technological megatrends, technology
                     widespread consequences   commercialisation and beyond.
                     of a dynamic,          As technology grows central to new-age
           Wunpredictable world. The      businesses, the case for entrepreneurs
         pandemic has dealt devastating blows to the   without engineering backgrounds to get
         global economy, even touted to be worse   hands-on with programming is also growing.
         than the financial crisis of 2008-09. In this   ‘Code’ is the language of the 21st century.
         backdrop, it becomes imperative to train future   Tailored to the needs of new ventures around
         entrepreneurs and businesspeople with the   digital finance, the programme will impart
         financial agility and dynamism to succeed in   training in Python, a programming language
         times of crises and beyond.      among the best-suited to data crunching and
           In an effort to empower the youth to embark   FinTech.          Professor Arjya B. Majumdar
         on their own success stories and transform   People & planning—hone skills of
         the economy of India, O.P. Jindal Global   communication & strategy  ISDE Summer School in Madrid and
         University has launched a one-of-a-kind   The route to success is mapped by   Barcelona; Queen Mary University of London;
         programme at the Jindal School of Banking &   navigating traps and pitfalls along the way. To   and University of Queensland, Australia. They
         Finance (JSBF)—the three-year B.A. (Hons.)   a large extent, whether a start-up thrives or   can also pursue semester exchange, dual
         in Finance & Entrepreneurship. It will offer   falls flat depends on a well-crafted business   degree and postgraduate pathways at leading
         a nuanced understanding of issues at the   plan. Young entrepreneurs must not only   institutions across the world.
         intersection of finance and entrepreneurship.   learn the drivers of success, but also critically   Get ahead of the curve with a knowledge
         Here’s what budding entrepreneurs stand to   evaluate those of failure. Students will study   of law
         gain from the contemporary new degree:  various ventures closely to arrive at those   Being an entrepreneur does not mean you
         A firm footing in finance        key differentiators, so they can apply the best   have to manage every aspect of a business
           Start-ups are built on great ideas. An   practices in their own future plans.  alone. Yet a basic knowledge of finance,
         innovative concept is key to cracking the   When it comes to effective planning, terms   technology, and even law, will be useful to get
         start-up scene, but in the long-run, for a   like ‘Blue Ocean Strategy’ are becoming   off the ground, negotiate initial processes, hire
         breakthrough product or service to succeed   buzzwords in the start-up scene. It is a   the right people, and build business alliances
         in the market, entrepreneurs need to have a   method of identifying new markets with few   wisely.
         handle on finance and economics.  or no players to create innovative ventures   Marketplace realities can be challenging
           Without an understanding of concepts like   that target rapid growth. Students get a   for new players. First-time entrepreneurs will
         working capital, venture capital, cash flows,   chance to learn all this and much more—from   inevitably be faced with the complex legalities
         equity, assets, liabilities, financial risks, taxes,   the Lego Serious Play Method (a technique   of business, be it company law, intellectual
         security analysis, behavioural economics,   which improves group problem solving), to   property, contracts, trademarks, taxation, etc.
         private wealth management, return on   understanding start-up ecosystems, design   The programme explores such legal issues
         investment, and so on, the vast and complex   thinking and innovation, and the nuances of   to help students understand and build strong
         world of business can seem daunting. Housed   business communication.  legal frameworks. Students can also take
         in a cutting-edge school of banking and   Extensive exposure to nurture   electives at Jindal Global Law School, which is
         finance, this programme is uniquely positioned   entrepreneurial skills  ranked as India’s leading law school.
         to help students grasp the financial needs of   Some argue that entrepreneurship is   Incubate your big ideas while at college
         their new ventures.              an inherent quality. Others believe that   The ‘Startup JGU Innovation Lab’ helps
         A practical knowledge of business-  a conducive environment can ignite an   students ideate and develop their own
         oriented technology              entrepreneurial mindset and fuel it with the   wventures. JSBF also facilitates a ‘Startup
           Today’s generation has been born into   necessary skills to find success. Yet at the   Founder Series’ which supports students
         a digital age where technology is the very   end of the day, it is truly in the hands of an   with promising ideas to identify opportunities,
         backbone of modern life. Using technology   individual.           build business models and even register a
         comes naturally to many young people.   JGU hopes to inspire the youth to achieve   business. Based on a screening, selected
         Given the right guidance to get acquainted   greatness in whatever they do. Providing   ventures could also receive funding, extended
         with technology relevant to business, young   every opportunity possible to accelerate   mentorship and access to JGU’s global
         entrepreneurs in-the-making can be poised to   students’ learning, JSBF offers a basket of   professional networks. The B.A. (Hons.)
         conquer the world of business.   multidisciplinary courses under the mentorship   F&E is an ideal stepping stone for high
                                                                           school students to transform into financially
           Students will learn to appreciate digital   of internationally-qualified faculty, internship   responsible entrepreneurs in just three years.
         financial platforms and digital tools, from the   opportunities, workshops, industry projects,
         basics of Microsoft Excel to software like   and a gamut of global opportunities.
         Tableau or Power BI, the top data analysis   Students can avail short-term study abroad   Professor Arjya B. Majumdar
         tools for Business Intelligence (BI). They will   programmes at Wharton Business School,   Dean, Admissions & Outreach
         dabble with data analytics as they explore   University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia;   O.P. Jindal Global University

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