Page 50 - EducationWorld October 2020
P. 50


                        Be the change that you wish to see in the world
                                               Mahatma Gandhi

                  At the turn of the century and beginning of a new   •  Globalization and Internationalism, as opposed to
               millennium our global society was struggling with the        localization and nationalism.
               uncertainty and predicted collapse of systems due to the   •  ‘Feminism’ and soft values, as opposed to personal
               Y2K bug, ever since our social and professional paradigms        gain and success at any cost.
               have changed. Deep research has shown that  we have   •  Self-actualisation, lay spirituality and holistic living,
               moved from an “Industrial Age” into a new age called the        as  opposed to materialism and personal gain.
               “Knowledge Age”.                                    •  Social consciousness, as opposed to exploitation of
                  As we prepare to charter the unfamiliar terrain that lies        adversity.
               ahead, we need a new kind of enabling device, very different   These shifts in priorities, perceptions and values, are
               competencies and a whole new sense of direction.  giving rise to a new world order, a new attitude in society.
                  New times call for new organizations that can handle
               uncertainties of the knowledge age of the future, rather   21st Century Learning Paradigms
               than the industrial age of the past.
                  The road ahead is leading to the appreciation that   Today, in a global economy fueled by information and
               economic wealth will not be based on land, money, labour   powered by an increasingly distributed workforce, education
               or raw materials but on intellectual capital.    remains a harbinger of personal and professional success.
                  While this may be cause for anxiety to industrial societies   Even  more  than  before,  education  strongly  influences
               a period of transition when the old order gives way to new,   individual employment advantage and earning power as
               yet there is also a sense of tremendous adventure and   well as plays a major role in economic development and
               opportunity for all.                             societal stability.
                  The presently prevalent systems of schooling practices   Yet,  the  requirements  of  education  have  shifted.    In
               have been generated to address the needs of the Industrial   addition to command of basic facts and information, today’s
               Age. The educational transactions of today need to be   worker must have the ability to use resources productively,
               inclusive of the emerging appreciations of knowledge, as   master  interpersonal  skills,  manipulate  information,
               an economic component.                           understand systems thinking and operate technologies.
                  The paradigm shifts today have given rise to images that   The foundation for these competencies rests with basic
               define a new age - the knowledge age. The shifts are:  skills such as reading, writing, and mathematics as well
                  •  Ecological sustainability, as opposed to greed and    as the ability to think creatively, make decisions, solve
                    exploitation.                               problems, and know how to learn for a lifetime.

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