Page 54 - EducationWorld October 2020
P. 54
Our vision is “In today’s world where knowledge
is the greatest asset, the benefits of the information-rich,
technology-enhanced, Connected Learning environment
must be extended to empower students, teachers, parents,
schools and entire communities to learn without limits’
Mr. Ali Sait
CEO, Tech Avant-Garde
of technology does however create a more sophisticated and learning personalized. Here multimode assessment could
robust role for teachers in the classroom. Now a teacher be used to understand the learning capability of a student.
will have more specialize rolls compared to generalized roll
in the past. A teacher can be Cube Leader, Digital Content Preparation Time:
Creator, Presenter, Collaborator, Engagement specialist, When students attend the online classes without
Content Manager, DTHL coordinator or all of the above. being familiar with lesson plan, they do not proactive
in the virtual class; therefore, the school must shares
Empowered Student content for the next day in a video or animated format so
There has been a lot of debate on the following, ideal that the learner becomes familiar with the Lesson Plan.
screen time for students, lack social interaction between
students, and can a home environment replace a classroom. Participative Parent time:
For students, technology is no longer an isolated tool or Students should interact with their parents on
separate subject to learn. Many students entering schools their schoolwork. Parent should spend time with their
today have an unparalleled comfort with technology and ward to discuss online classes, their devices, internet
confidence in their ability to use it. The use of technology connectivity, home comfort etc., they should also co-
is becoming a seamless part of their lives and a powerful browse online with their ward for academic information.
tool for learning.
Gen Extra Muros has designed a digital learning Family Time:
format for a Connected Learning. Family time is only for human interaction and social time
with the family. As a rule, Learner should close the gadgets,
Educator Time: and refrain from discussing schoolwork, it must be fun time.
Each digital leaning session between a learner and
educator should be restricted from a 20 min to 40 min Learning Without Limits
session depending on the age group. In this session, Researchers have long shown that every student
learner will be presented with lessons, in which there will learns differently. While some respond to visual cues
be collaboration, engagement and personalized learning or reading, some learn best by doing or watching. In
the past, it has been too difficult for a single teacher to
Peer Time: accommodate a range of learning styles.
Research has shown students learn better by interacting Now, with the use of technology, schools can more
with each other. Therefore, our suggestion is projects work practically and affordably tailor information and
should be given to smaller groups of students, assigning class activities to meet the learning needs and styles
them breakaway rooms, so that students can collaborate with of individual students. By harnessing the power of
each other and compete these projects. This technique will networked computers and online assessment tools,
help build their communication, collaboration, creativity, some educators are finding a new window into student
critical thinking and Computational Thinking the 5 C’s. performance as well as dynamic tools that provide the
These sessions should not exceed more that one hour a day. ability to individualize instruction, motivate students,
and actively involve learners.
Me Time: With implementation of O365 and Lycee - Cyber
Students should learn to do their assignments Academe, using the Gen Extra Muros Pedagogy schools
independency using the digital platform, the platform can take advantage of Cognitive learning, Mixed
should be able to assist the student to complete their Reality, Immersive Learning, IOT, AR-VR, STEM &
assignments using AI techniques this will improve STEAM Learning, and Artificial Intelligence, which will
the Critical Thinking in a the learner. AI platform can eventually reach students at home.
also record multiple Intelligences of student and make This will eventually result in learning without Limits.
54 EDUCATIONWORLD October 2020