Page 51 - EducationWorld October 2020
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Technology that is available today and continuously through experience, and is more specifically defined as “learning
bolstered by developments on the horizon can provide through reflection on doing”. This will help in employment,
enterprising educators and communities with a creativity, innovation and deep understanding of the subject.
platform for improvement unlike any in history. The effective integration of technology in education is
For Education to become 21st Century Compliant, an exciting opportunity that requires thoughtful blending
the following components must be added into our of infrastructure, access, knowledge, and empowerment of
education system: students, educators, schools, and communities. It requires
a complex balance between the best of traditional education
5C Skills: Creativity, Critical Thinking, and new insights about how people learn. It depends on the
Communication, Collaboration and Computational use of technology to promote and enrich collaboration and
Thinking. communication and to enable new levels of learning in the
classroom and for life.
MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES PLATFORM: This vision is known as the Connected Learning Community.
Multiple Intelligences platform helps teachers to look
for varying levels of strength of the learners and develop THE CONNECTED LEARNING
the optimum range of their intelligences. It provides a COMMUNITY
diversity of appreciations, enabling larger number of
learners the opportunity to succeed. The Connected Learning Community is a simple yet
powerful idea with even more relevance today than when
MULTI-MODE ASSESSMENTS: Testing we first introduced at the beginning of the millennium. In
and rating intelligences is well established in the our vision, the world is an enriched learning environment
case of linguistic and logical intelligence. The other in which technology used well enhances and expands
intelligences have more subjective criteria for opportunities for learning while providing the practical
assessment. technology experience needed in today’s society and
With multimode assessments there will emerge a workplaces.
higher degree of ‘creativity’ and ‘innovation’ input in This is a new genre learning, schools will transform from
school education. There will operate a greater flexibility a brick and mortar setup to digital learning spaces.
of opportunities to enable children to pursue a diversity
of enabling provisions to enhance their learning. This In the Connected Learning Community:
will also help to have a more holistic approach to • Students, educators and parents have anytime, any
education. place access to learning.
• Learning is relevant, individualized and personalized.
DIGITAL INTERVENTIONS: Technology is • Schools have information systems that support
bound to influence and transform existing educational accountability and efficient management.
provisions, influencing globalization of education • Schools, campuses, homes, libraries, businesses
bringing in new generation learning materials and and global resources are connected in a dynamic,
encouraging networking of schools because of their collaborative learning environment.
ability to integrate multiple media, flexibility of
use, interactivity and connectivity the new digital Yet for 21st century learning, technology alone
Information and Communication Technologies are is not sufficient. Schools, students, and teachers
bringing about remarkable changes in education must have the vision and opportunity to experiment,
around the world – affecting both the pedagogy and innovate and create with technology as a learning tool.
the institution.
A New Era of Education
learning is about Globalisation and Internationalism, In a growing number of schools and communities around
multilingual interfaces help us understand people from the world, the idea of a Connected Learning Community is
across the globe and knowing the language will help us taking root and generating results. Technology has helped
understand their culture and values. launch a new era of education that simultaneously fosters
academic excellence and the practical experience needed to
Experiential Learning: This the only way forward, succeed in life and work in the growing knowledge economy.
it makes students understand the requirements of the
Industry, the school / collage syllabi are not upgrade Nevertheless, communities have only begun to tap the
frequently but the industry requirements are changing daily. potential of technology for learning. In a world in which
Experiential learning known as is the process of learning knowledge is the number one asset, the benefits of this
October 2020 EDUCATIONWORLD 51