Page 12 - Education World July 2020
P. 12

Education News

               DELHI                                                           research and faculty. In EWIPHER,
             NIRF Rankings 2020                                                IMT-G is ranked #5 among India’s

                                                                               private B-schools.
                                                                                 The infirmity of the NIRF Rank-
                                                                               ings is that “participating institu-
                                                                               tions” — assessment is voluntary
                                                                               — are obliged to submit dozens of
                                                                               data sets in prescribed formats for
                                                                               evaluation of the quality of their
                                                                               teaching, learning and research
                                                                               capabilities. Nor is the identity of
                                                                               assessors specified.
                                                                                 The unique feature of the NIRF
                                                                               Rankings is that these Union HRD
                                                                               ministry rankings are awarded en-
                                                                               tirely on the basis of data submitted
                                                                               by HEIs themselves with institutions
                                                                               even obliged to assess public percep-
                                                                               tion suo m otu. Although participat-
                                                                               ing institutions are warned that the
                                                                               information submitted by them is
                                                                               subject to cross-checking and audit,
                                                                               the process permits a high degree
                   HE FIFTH EDITION OF THE NIRF   by 644 over last year.       of subjectivity. Unsurprisingly, a
                   (National Institutional Rank-  However, although detailed and   large number of top-ranked private
             Ting Framework) Rankings         elaborate, the NIRF league tables   HEIs — Ashoka University, Indian
             2020 released by the Union ministry   have not resonated with the public   School of Business among others
             of human resource development on   because the ranks awarded defy not   — don’t participate in this official
             June 11 has generated considerable   only the perceptions of informed   annual rankings exercise because the
             excitement in some higher education   educationists, but all common sense.   ministry’s anti-private sector bias is
             institutions (HEIs), especially gov-  For instance the Birla Institute of   self-evident.
             ernment colleges and universities.  Technology & Science, Pilani, (BITS-  “The NIRF Rankings are a
                This year, a total of 3,771 in-  P, estb.1964) is inexplicably ranked   joke because it is plainly a self-
             stitutions (294 universities, 1,071   as low as #30 although it is widely   assessment exercise, with cursory if
             engineering institutions, 630 busi-  acknowledged as an engineering   any audit of the data submitted by
             ness schools, 334 pharmacy and 97   university on a par with the IITs.   HEIs. The world’s most respected
             law colleges, 118 medical and 48   In the latest EducationWorld India   university rankings conducted by
             architecture colleges and 1,659 gen-  Private Higher Education Rank-  globally reputed agencies including
             eral degree colleges) submitted data   ings 2020-21 (EWIPHER) BITS-P is   QS and Ti m es H i gher E duc ati on are
             to the HRD ministry to be ranked   ranked India’s #2 private university   based on the perceptions of several
             in NIRF 2020. In all, 5,805 HEIs   and #1 private engineering college.   thousand knowledgeable sample
             submitted data in prescribed formats   But in NIRF 2020, the Amrita School   respondents including vice chancel-
             to become eligible for inclusion in   of Engineering (20) and the parvenu   lors, faculty, and industry leaders
             NIRF’s ‘overall’ Top 200 league table   IIT-Patna are ranked higher than   mixed with objective data evaluated
             and in each category.            BITS-P.                          for research and publications. Given
                They were assessed under five    Ditto in the NIRF B-schools   the unique NIRF assessment meth-
             broad parameters — teaching, learn-  league table. The B-schools of IIT-  odology, it’s unsurprising that many
             ing and resources; research and   Kharagpur (#5) and IIT-Delhi (#8)   excellent HEIs don’t participate, and
             professional practice; graduation   are ranked above the well-reputed   the NIRF rankings awarded to some
             outcomes; outreach and inclusivity   S.P. Jain Institute of Management   HEIs are absurd,” says Premc hand
             and public perception — with institu-  and Research, Mumbai (#18) and   Palety , promoter-CEO of the Delhi-
             tions in each discipline required to   the B-school of Jamia Millia Islamia   based Centre for Forecasting & Re-
             submit documentary evidence of aca-  (#34) is ranked above IMT-Ghazi-  search Pvt. Ltd (C fore, estb.2000),
             demic attainments. The number of   abad (#37), although the latter has   one of India’s most respected market
             participating institutions increased   a national reputation for excellent   research and opinion polls company

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