Page 14 - Education World July 2020
P. 14

Education News

             which also conducts the annual Edu-                                       expense  incurred  for  edu-
             cationWorld India Higher Education                                        cating  students  admitted
             Rankings.                                                                 under s.12 (1) (c) by paying
                For the EWIHER Rankings 2020-                                          them the equivalent of per-
             21, C fore field personnel interviewed                                    child  expense  it  incurs  in
             16,054 sample respondents compris-                                        its own state schools. In the
             ing vice chancellors, faculty, industry                                   circumstances,  BPS  which
             leaders and senior students.                                              don’t have the wherewithal
                              Autar Nehru (Delhi)                                      to  switch  to  digital  online
                                                                                       learning, are in no condition
               MAHARASHTRA                                                             to continue paying teachers
             Cloudy outlook                                                            and staff salaries.
                                                                                         Meanwhile,  teachers  of
                                                                                       7,000  schools  dispensing
                     AHARASHTRA’S TEACHERS’ com-  Gaikwad: protest letters flood        education in vernacular lan-
                     munity has become the un-                                         guages  including  Marathi,
             Msuspecting  casualty  of  the   the emoluments of 80,000 teachers   Hindi  and  Urdu  to  1.5  million  stu-
             state’s messy post Covid-19 lockdown   and support staff. In a letter to the   dents in rural Maharashtra unserved
             education system. Scores of preschool   state’s  education  minister  V ars ha   by government schools, have also been
             to  higher  secondary  private  school   Gaikw ad,  several  budget  private   left high and dry. Charging fees as low
             teachers  have  lost  their  jobs  with   school associations — the Maharash-  as Rs.1,000-5,000 per annum, these
             school managements citing financial   tra  English  School  Trustees  Asso-  schools were promised “100 percent
             inability to make even partial payment   ciation (MESTA, estb.2014), Private   grant” in 2009. But with subsequent
             of  salaries  because  parents  haven’t   Unaided School Managements Asso-  governments  changing  eligibility
             paid children’s school fees for the past   ciation (PUSMA, 2000), Independent   rules and policies, only 399 of these
             four months.                     English  Schools  Association  (IESA,   primary-secondaries  have  received
                The state government’s confusing   2014), and the Unaided Schools Fo-  the grants promised to them for the
             notifications  and  GRs  (government   rum (USF, 1980) — have stated that   period 2012-16 after which the grant
             resolutions) issued since the lockdown   nearly  40  percent  of  their  member   amount has been reduced to 20 per-
             began in mid-March, are to a great ex-  schools  are  unable  to  comply  with   cent of expenses per annum.
             tent to blame for their predicament.   the  government’s  June  15  directive   Teachers of unaided schools across
             Even as private schools were yet to   to provide online education to classes  “rural Maharashtra have participat-
             collect fees for the April-July quarter,   III-XII due to financial difficulties.  ed in 300 protest marches over the
             a  May  8  GR  warned  private  school   For managements of private unaid-  years but they have made no impact
             managements of stern action if they   ed (independent) — especially budget   in the education ministry in Mumbai.
             compel parents to pay pending dues or   private  schools  —  which  are  being   For years, we have been paid just Rs.
             make payment of admission and term   exhorted to continue paying teachers   7,000-10,000 per month — way below
             fees for the academic year 2020-21 a   and staff without getting any mention   the scales prescribed by the Seventh
             precondition of admission.       in the MSMEs (medium, small and   Pay  Commission  and  what  govern-
                Moreover, another government cir-  micro enterprises) stimulus package   ment school teachers are paid. At least
             cular (June 15) banned online teach-  announced by finance minister Nir-  20 teachers have lost their lives due to
             ing for pre-primary-class II children   mala  Sitharaman  in  May,  the  most   mental and financial stress since the
             and reopening of preschools until the   unkindest cut is that the state govern-  lockdown. We urge the government to
             end of 2020. The government’s circu-  ment has shown no signs of paying up   release the funds due to us and save
             lar effectively made 9,000 preschools   the Rs.700 crore it owes them for the   the  lives  of  teachers,”  says  Shub -
             across the state and the teachers em-  academic years 2017-18 and 2018-19   hang i Patil, president, Maharashtra
             ployed in them, redundant until the   as compensation for admitting poor   Teachers Association.
             end of this year.                children in their neighbourhoods and   On June 25, admitting four peti-
                With a large number of private pri-  providing them free-of-charge educa-  tions filed before it, the Bombay high
             mary-secondaries laying off contrac-  tion in primary/elementary (classes   court stayed the state government’s
             tual teachers in the past three months   I-VIII) under s.12 (1) (c) of the Right   May 8 order regarding fees collection
             to reduce expenditure, managements   of Children to Free and Compulsory   and increases for 2020-21 as well as all
             of  the  state’s  22,477  budget  private   Education (RTE) Act, 2009. S.12 (2)   compliance communications from the
             schools (BPS) have been crying foul   obliges  state  governments  to  reim-  education ministry to schools until the
             since May, about being unable to pay   burse  private  unaided  schools  the   next hearing slated for August. While

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