Page 16 - Education World July 2020
P. 16

Education News

             the court order is likely to bring some                                 demic,” says Banwasi.
             relief  to  school  managements,  for                                     Meanwhile, on July 7, an
             teachers the outlook remains cloudy.                                    expert committee constituted
                            Dipta Joshi (Mumbai)                                     by the Karnataka govern-
                                                                                     ment on June 11 and chaired
               KARNATAKA                                                             by M.K. Sridhar, educationist
             Battle won                                                              and member of the Dr. K.
                                                                                     Kasturirangan Committee
                                                                                     that drafted the National
                    N OUT-OF-THE-BLUE STATEWIDE                                      Education Policy 2019,
                    ban imposed by the Karna-                                        submitted a 51-page report
             Ataka government on online                                              prescribing online learning
             teaching-learning in pre-primaries                                      guidelines to the Karnataka
             and lower primary (up to class V)                                       government. The expert com-
             schools on June 15, provoked mass   Pruthvi Banwasi: illogical ceiling     mittee has recommended
             outrage within middle class parents                                        the blended learning
             and teachers’ communities and    VIII and four periods of 30-45 min-  model — traditional synchronous
             resulted in a writ petition filed in   utes for five days for classes IX-X.   and online learning and has doubled
             the Karnataka high court by several   “I don’t understand why the   the time children should spend in
             private schools grouped under an   government needs to microman-  formal online learning with their
             informal alliance.               age education institutions run by   teachers.
                Stating that it had received   qualified professionals at a time   owever on July 8, the Karnataka
             several complaints from parents   teachers are pulling out all stops to  Hhigh court passed an interim
             about children being compelled to   maintain continuity of learning. We   order staying the government orders
             spend long hours before computer   have invested large sums in online   issued on June 15 and 27. A division
             terminals and digital devices, the   infrastructure to ensure that chil-  bench comprising Chief Justice Oka
             state government imposed the ban   dren don’t lose interest in learning.   and Justice Nataraj Rangaswamy
             in mid-June without consultation   Therefore, the arbitrary ban imposed   observed that there is no provision in
             with school managements. Following   without consultation with represen-  the Karnataka Education Act, 1983
             widespread anger and indignation   tative school associations is uncon-  that empowers government to ban
             from parents and educators and over   stitutional,” says Dr.  R atna Gho s e,   any type of education. Moreover, the
             40,000 protest tweets on Twitter on   an alumna of Calcutta University   court stated the ban is a violation of
             June 21, a government spokesperson   with 32 years of teaching and admin   the fundamental right of children to
             cited a report by the Bangalore-  experience in top-ranked schools and   life and education guaranteed by Ar-
             based National Institute of Mental   universities, and currently principal   ticles 21 and 21A of the Constitution.
             Health and Neuro-Sciences (NIM-  of the CBSE-affiliated Capstone High   The court’s judgement — and par-
             HANS) to the effect that “excessive   School, Bangalore (estb.2014).   ticularly its rejection of the populist
             screen time” is harmful for youngest   Pruthvi B anw as i, general   argument advanced by government
             children. Admitting the writ petition   secretary, Karnataka Council of Pre-  counsel that the petitioners were a
             of private schools on June 19, Chief   Schools (KCPS, estb.2015) which has   consortium of “elite schools who can
             Justice Abhay Shreeniwas Oka of the   2,000 members statewide, describes   afford online education” — has come
             Karnataka high court observed the   the 30 minutes per week ceiling on   as a welcome relief to educators and
             government’s decision was “ill-con-  online learning for preschool chil-  principals struggling to ensure learn-
             sidered” and posted hearing of the   dren prescribed by the government   ing continuity for students.
             petition to June 29.             as “unreasonable” and “illogical”. “If   The court caustically observed
                Following the Twitter storm of   online learning for our children is re-  that instead of imposing curbs on
             June 21 and the caustic observations   stricted to 30 minutes per week, we   online learning in private schools,
             of the court, on June 27, the state   won’t be able to complete teaching   government should introduce online
             government revoked its order of   the alphabet to children by the end of   learning in state schools. “I am very
             June 15 and prescribed 30 minutes   the academic year 2020-21. Private   pleased with the court’s verdict. It
             per week of online learning for   education has already been severely   specifically directs the government to
             pre-primary classes; two periods of   damaged by needless interference   level up its schools rather than pull
             30-45 minutes three days per week   and micromanagement by the state   private schools down,” says N o o -
             for classes I-V; two periods of 30-45   government and official meddling   raine F az al, managing trustee of
             minutes for five days for classes VI-  has become worse during the pan-  the top-ranked Inventure Academy

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