Page 34 - Education World July 2020
P. 34


                                                       Driving the “Phygital”

                                                       Transformation in K-12


                                                   Top 50 Education Leaders?   guidance of their respective schools.
                                                     I am well and I hope
                                                   everyone reading this is    Can you throw some light on the
                                                   keeping safe as well. I     “Phygital Learning Model” and
                                                   am truly honoured to be     how it adds value to the current
                                                   recognised as a key figure   teaching methodology?
                                                   in India’s educational        Phygital learning refers to a
                                                   transformation. However,    learning experience that uses
                                                   what makes me happy isn’t   Digital Learning Solutions to offer
                                                   the recognition, it’s the fact   school-guided learning at home that
                                                   that education in India is   helps students better utilise their
                                                   now swiftly moving forward   classroom sessions in school. For
                                                   in the right direction. The   example, if a classroom is assigned
                                                   decisive and ultimately     a crash course for a given topic to
                                                   effective manner in which   review at home, students can read
              DIVYA LAL                            schools across India have   up the theory and build curiosity
              Founder & Managing Director          adopted Digital Learning    which can then be addressed by
                                                   Solutions shows the world   teachers in the classroom. This
                                                   that 21st century education   helps add value to classroom
                                              is very much a reality in India.   learning which transforms into an
                         ith more and more    Fliplearn alone is currently     interactive and thought provoking
                         schools adopting     supporting 1,500 schools and     learning experience.
                         virtual learning     guiding over 3.5 lakh students.
             Wpedagogies since                                                 What are the key aspects of
             imposition of the Covid-19 induced   Having been at the centre of   Fliplearn Edge that enables
             lockdown in mid-March, here is   this education transformation to   teachers to guide their students
             an interview with Ms. Divya Lal,   “blended” learning, what do you   better?
             Managing Director of Fliplearn   think will be the “new normal” for   Fliplearn Edge enables School
             Education Pvt. Ltd, a company    schools post-lockdown?           Teachers to track individual
             which offers K-12 schools a virtual   The Phygital Learning Model   student, as well as classroom
             learning platform to enable      has been designed to supplement   performances across every subject
             delivery of an unhindered learn   Classroom Learning, not replace   and every chapter in the course.
             from home school experience,     it. By blending online learning   This is done using our Integrated
             while also enabling teachers and   aids and conventional classroom   Performance Dashboard that is
             students to perform better. A    teaching-learning, students      directly linked to all tests taken on
             visionary leader and TedX speaker   are offered a holistic learning   the app. In addition, with Fliplearn
             who acquired over two decades    experience that is standardised at   Edge Teachers Can:
             of valuable work experience in   home as well as in school. This is   •  Personalized Journey for Every
             blue-chip edtech companies, Divya   something that schools, teachers,   Child - The platform creates a
             is committed to developing 21st   parents and students alike have   journey which is mapped as
             century future-ready education   experienced during the lockdown.   per the learning style and pace
             solutions for schools affiliated with   So I suspect that Digital Learning   of the child with three levels of
             national, state and international   Solutions like Fliplearn will be   difficulty
             boards across India.             adopted on a much larger scale   •  Conduct Virtual Classes –
                                              post-lockdown. Not just to prepare
             How are you and how does it feel   for future pandemics, but to ensure   Using our in-built platform
             to be recognised among India’s   students are always under the      for Virtual Classes, schools &

             EDUCATIONWORLD  JULY 2020
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