Page 35 - Education World July 2020
P. 35

teachers can easily invite and   struggling to host online classes,   that we do hope to see schools
                host online classes for their   others were having a hard time   re-opening as soon as it is deemed
                respective sections. The same is   keeping students engaged. With   safe.
                further supported by an in-built   the infusion of Fliplearn Edge & its
                attendance system.            learning aids, teachers were able   Can you also throw light on
             •  Assign Subjective & Objective   to optimize their time teaching   some myths or misconceptions
                Homework Remotely – Teachers   and reduce the effect Covid-19 had   revolving around digital
                are able to not only assign   on education. We also ensure that   education?
                students home work after school   the teachers are handholded and   First of all let’s admit children
                hours, they can also monitor and   multiple trainings are given to them   are digital natives, and they
                evaluate the progress made by   till they are comfortable using the   take technology as fish to water,
                students.                     platform.                        therefore, they are completely
             •  Create Customized Question                                     at ease when it comes to digital
                Banks – Teachers have the ability   Is there any advice that you can   education.
                to curate their own question   share with the teachers on how    The other misconception is that
                banks using over 250,000      they can use this platform even   students will get distracted if
                questions from the multiple   more efficiently?                learning on a device. This couldn’t
                sample papers on Fliplearn      Teachers can use Fliplearn Edge   be further from the truth as Digital
                Edge.                         and its content to teach the theory   Learning Apps use immersive
             •  Create & Conduct Topic Wise   of topics at home. This will enable   content featuring animations,
                Tests – Faculty can create and   Classroom Sessions the next day   videos and cartoons to eliminate
                assign test papers on one or   to be more interactive and thought   the element of distraction. After all,
                many topics from any subject on   provoking as students would be   students only look for distractions
                the curriculum.               entering the classroom with some   when they are bored. Digital
             •  Automated Checking and        clarity and a lot of curiosity. This   Learning helps students become
                Scoring of Assessment - The   helps students find the “want” to   active learners and as mentioned
                system is built in a way that both   learn as opposed to the feeling of   before, it helps them develop a
                objective and subjective tests are   “need” to learn. The best part about   “want to learn”.
                auto checked and scored.      using Fliplearn Edge is that they
             •  Review & Evaluate Student &   can adapt and personalize it as per   We’d like to know more about
                Class Performances – Every    their requirement and even create   your philosophy of “Learning
                test or assignment taken on   groups of students based on their   For Everyone” and how you’re
                the app will have the results   learning abilities             progressing towards it
                automatically updated on        To get more engagement, they     Learning for Everyone is pretty
                the student as well as class   can give multiple projects to   self-explanatory. It simply states
                performance dashboard.        different groups of students and   that Education, is not a luxury, it is
             •  Personalised Dashboard for    engage and involve them actively   the basic right of every student in
                Parents - Students progressed   during the live classes.       the country. Which is why Fliplearn
                can be closely monitored by the                                Edge is constantly working with
                Parents as they have access to   What are your thoughts on schools   underfunded schools to help them
                detailed dashboards           re-opening? Do you think it      reduce the gap seen between 21st
                                              could happen soon or is still too
             We’re keen to know how           dangerous to do so?              Century Private Smart Schools
             teachers using your platform are   Needless to say in times like these   & Government Schools. We’ve
             responding to this transformation?  any institute’s first priority must be   already helped a number of
               The response we’ve gotten from   safety. Currently there is no need   schools in Rural India incorporate
             teachers as well as School Principals   for schools to re-open as online   Digital Learning Solutions in their
             has been really positive. Teachers   classes enabled by Digital Learning   curriculum. As a result, students in
             went from welcoming Phygital     Solutions are helping students and   those schools are able to learn using
             Learning, to fully embracing it   teachers stay on track with their   the same digital study material that
             in order to benefit their students.   curriculum without compromising   Private Schools use in urban areas.
             Perhaps the most exciting news for   on safety. So until the Government
             our team was that it has supported   of India deems the situation safe
             different teachers in different ways.  and under control, I don’t see any   Toll free no. 1800 103 0362
               Some teachers & schools were   schools re-opening. Having said 
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