Page 38 - Education World July 2020
P. 38

Cover Story

             by ‘establishment expenses’) they tar-
             geted BPS by inserting s.19 in the RTE
             Act which mandates impossible infra-
             structure norms for low-cost schools.
                These norms detailed in a schedule
             of the Act prescribe low teacher-pupil
             ratio, demarcated principals’ rooms,
             kitchens, grain storage rooms, sepa-
             rate toilets for boys and girl children
             and a minimum one-acre playground
             per school. Iniquitously, s.18 exempts
             Central,  state  and  municipal/local
             government schools from adherence
             to these norms.
             C        URIOUSLY, DESPITE THE

                      entire  middle  and  elite
                      classes  of  Indian  society
                      who  often  move  heaven
             and earth to get their children admit-  Anti-private school parents protest in Chandigarh: deep cleavage
             ted into well-equipped, well-admin-
             istered top-ranked private schools —   ernments  have  enacted  legislation   note that the subcontinent has a tradi-
             they shun government schools like the   regulating school tuition fees and im-  tion of free enterprise and entrepre-
             coronavirus — they seldom protest the   posing  ceilings.  Inevitably,  this  leg-  neurship stretching several millennia
             blatant discrimination and continuous   islation has been challenged in high   when privately manufactured goods
             official harassment that private school   courts across the country, and has tied   from  the  subcontinent,  including
             promoters and managements suffer.   up institutional managements in liti-  ocean-going ships, exotic meat-pre-
                One of the major self-perpetuating   gation which is draining their resourc-  serving spices, finest textiles, gold or-
             achievements of the brotherhood has   es and driving them towards insolven-  naments and precious stone jewellery
             been to drive a deep cleavage between   cy, which may well be the subliminal   dazzled newly-emerged nation states
             parents  and  promoters  of  private   objective of the politician-bureaucrat   of the western and eastern worlds. De-
             schools. In the socialist lexicon, edu-  nexus. Meanwhile, the abundant hu-  spite this, post-independence India’s
             preneurs — usually visionaries aware   man resource of the world’s youngest   establishment including the educated
             of the huge learning chasm between   population with a mean average age of   middle class, has never respected, let
             developed OECD countries and India   29 is being wasted on a massive scale,   alone admired private enterprise and
             who invest substantial capital to pro-  with dangerous implications for socio-  great entrepreneurs who built formi-
             mote globally-benchmarked schools,   economic advancement and mainte-  dable companies and business houses
             colleges and universities — are mer-  nance of law and order.     in the teeth of opposition from repre-
             cenary  capitalists  hell-bent  upon   Surprisingly  despite  India’s  low   sentatives  of  imperial  Great  Britain
             “commercialisation  of  education”,   status in the contemporary world —   which ruled over the subcontinent for
             a pejorative popularised by the late   the  country  is  ranked  a  lowly  #129   almost two centuries.
             Justice  Krishna  Iyer,  self-confessed   in the Human Development Index of   Pioneer  industrialists  and  busi-
             communist  judge  of  the  Supreme   UNDP and with a pathetic GDP of $3   nessmen such as J.N. Tata, G.D. Birla,
             Court.  Brainwashed  by  socialist   trillion trails way behind the US ($21   Walchand Hirachand, Ambalal Sarab-
             rhetoric for over seven decades, post-  trillion) and China ($14 trillion) — the   hai, Lala Shri Ram, Jamnalal Bajaj, Sir
             independence India’s co-opted subsi-  vast majority, including the academy   Padampat  Singhania  among  others
             dies-addicted middle class and feeble   and the intelligentsia haven’t grasped   who had bet their capital and scarce
             intelligentsia welcomes and endorses   the  enormity  of  the  damage  that   resources to build great manufactur-
             government  interference  in  private   neta-babu socialism and continuous   ing and trade enterprises in the first
             education, particularly in the matter   licence-permit-quota  raj  pervasive   half of the 20th century, were poised
             of fees regulation.              despite the partial liberalisation and   to  conquer  Asian  and  Middle  East
                In recent years, despite the clear   deregulation initiative of 1991, have   markets  with  capital  goods,  manu-
             mandate of the Supreme Court’s full-  caused to the national development   factures  and  branded  FMCGs  (fast
             bench  judgement  in  the  landmark   effort.                     moving consumer goods) after inde-
             T. M . A .  P ai  Case, almost all state gov-  In this connection, it’s important to   pendence.

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