Page 44 - Education World July 2020
P. 44

Cover Story

             School fees & online classes confusion: national round-up

                      ith the Covid-19 pandemic and national lock-
                      down forcing mass closure of education insti-
             Wtutions, several state governments have issued    Fees
             circulars directing private school managements to defer/  Schools can collect fees on monthly
             waive tuition and other fees during the lockdown period.   basis from parents who can afford to pay
             Moreover, some state governments such as Karnataka, Ma-
             harashtra and Madhya Pradesh have issued notifications   Online education
                                                                Esure learning continuity through the
             prohibiting private schools from conducting online classes   online medium
             for pre-primary and primary children.
                These ill-advised knee-jerk notifications have severely
             disrupted the cash flow of private independent (unaided)   “The state’s private schools are facing a grave financial cri-
             K-12 schools, especially budget private schools (BPS) coun-  sis because of loss of fees revenue during the past three
             trywide whose number is estimated at 400,000, and endan-  months. We have petitioned the state government to pro-
             gered the employment of over 5 million teachers of private   vide financial assistance to private school managements.
             schools. With a substantial number of parents withholding   Had the Central government allocated even 0.1 percent of
             March-June tuition fees, private schools countrywide are   the Rs.20 lakh crore Covid-19 stimulus package to educa-
             experiencing an unprecedented financial crunch and are   tion, it would have helped a great deal. We have placed our
             unable to pay teachers’ salaries                  demand for financial support before the prime minister as
                Summiy a Y as meen & A khila Damo daran present   well.” — Sy ed Shamael A hmed, national president, Pri-
             a national round-up of state government directives relating   vate Schools and Children Welfare Association
             to tuition fees and online teaching-learning in major states
             of the Indian Union.

                                                                Schools not permitted to collect
               Fees                                             fees for the lockdown period
               Private schools to collect fees only after
               reopening                                        Online education
                                                                No comment
               Online education
               No comment
                                                               “If private schools are not allowed to collect fees, we will
             “We have petitioned the state education minister to direct   have to close down. In Chhattisgarh, parents believe online
             parents who are financially capable, to pay school fees.   classes are an excuse for extorting fees from them. Parents
             Many private schools have 25-30 percent fees pending from   and government should understand that education, like
             the last academic year. How can the government expect us   any other service, cannot be provided free-of-charge. Gov-
             to pay teachers and other staff when we are not allowed to   ernment should allow us to collect fees; otherwise many
             collect fees? Also we are unable to conduct online classes   teachers will lose their jobs.” — J itendra Sing h T hakur,
             because parents fear this will become an excuse for us to   founder-member, Chhattisgarh Private School Manage-
             charge fees.” — A .  Kris hna R eddy , chief mentor, Andhra   ments Association
             Pradesh Unaided Schools Managements

                                                                Only monthly tuition fees to be collected; no fee
               Fees                                             hike
               Waive 50 percent fees for April, no
               admission fee to be collected                    Online education
                                                                Permit access to online class to all students
               Online education
               Unconditional go-ahead for online                High court order
               classes                                          On June 27, Delhi HC rejected PIL for staying
                                                                collection of tuition fee during the lockdown

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