Page 46 - Education World July 2020
P. 46

Cover Story

                                                                           Similarly,  requirements  are  different  for
                                                                           schools affiliated with different boards.” —
               Fees                                                        R us to m Keraw alla, founder-chairman,
               Parents who can afford should pay; no fee                   VIBGYOR Group of Schools and president,
               hike next year                                              Association of Indian Schools

               Online education
               No government directive
               High court order
               Kerala high court dismissed a PIL staying collection of
               school fee during the lockdown period            Fees
                                                                Reduce/defer fees for April-June
                                                                Online education
                                                                No government directive
               Levy tution fees; allow parents to pay
               in installments
               Online education
               Online classes for pre-primary to
               class V students prohibited
               High court order                                 Schools can collect fees for online classes
               On June 16, Madhya Pradesh HC stayed the state government   Online education
               and CBSE order on collecting only tuition fee; directed schools   No government directive
               not to collect unincurred charges during the lockdown period
                                                                High court order
             “The government does not have any right to interfere in the   Punjab and Haryana high court order allows
             administration of private schools. In the T. M . A .  P ai  Case   private schools to collect tuition, admission
             (2002), the Supreme Court upheld the right of private edu-  fee irrespective of online classes (June 30)
             cation institutions to administer themselves. We have ob-
             tained a stay from the high court on the state government’s
             fees circular and are vigorously opposing the ban on online
             classes for pre-primary and primary students” —A nil Dhu-  Fees
             pur, president, Association of Unaided CBSE Schools      Parents not to be compelled to pay fees
                                                                until reopening. Also no late payment penalty
                                                                to be charged

               Fees                                             Online education
               No fee hike; parents not to be compelled to pay  No government directive
               Online education                                 High court order
               Online learning for pre-primary to class II      Rajasthan HC dismissed PIL seeking waiver of school fees (May 14)
               banned; others are permitted limited number
               of hours                                        “Private schools in Rajasthan are in a
                                                               better position than schools in other
               High court order                                states. The state government has not
               On June 26, Bombay HC stayed the government order prohibiting
               schools and educational institutions from hiking 2020-21 fees.   yet  passed  any  orders  on  fees  col-
               Moreover on July 13, the high court restrained the state from tak-  lection  and  online  education  since
               ing coercive action against schools conducting online classes for   closure of education institutions in
               students upto class II                          March. However, some parents as-
                                                               sociations have begun agitating un-
             “While the government has been very helpful on some is-  der the slogan ‘No school no fees’, and have petitioned the
             sues, it needs to come up with guidelines and policies based   government to waive all fees of the past four months. But
             on consultation with experts and research to cater to a wid-  the state government is unlikely to heed this demand.” —
             er spectrum of schools. What may be applicable to a school   Damo dar Go y al, president, Society for Unaided Private
             in a rural area may not hold good for those in urban areas.   Schools of Rajasthan

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