Page 45 - Education World July 2020
P. 45

“All private schools in Delhi have complied       nual fee increase have severely jeopardised the financial
             with the government order and charged             stability of BPS, since parents who are ‘capable to pay’ are
             parents only tuition fees during the lock-        reluctant to pay. Moreover, the government order abolish-
             down period. But there is huge shortfall          ing School Leaving Certificate is aimed at destroying BPS.
             in the collection of fees and most private        Many parents who have not paid their children’s fees will
             schools are struggling to meet mandatory          now be able to transfer into government schools.” — Kulb -
             expenses including teachers salary payments. In its order   hus han Sharma, president, Federation of Private Schools
             the government clearly says that the fees collection restric-  Association, Haryana
             tion is for the lockdown period. Now with the Central and
             state governments officially beginning Unlock 1.0, we want
             them to issue a new order allowing schools to charge an-
             nual and development fees.” — B harat A ro ra, general
             secretary, Action Committee Unaided Recognized Private   Fees
                                                                Schools can collect tuition fees from
             Schools, Delhi                                     parents who can afford to pay

                                                                Online education
                                                                No government directive
               Private schools not permitted to hike
               fees for 2020-21. Some schools
               offer 10-20 percent fees waiver                 “The state government has been changing its stand and is-
                                                               suing confusing directives on fees collection. First, it pro-
               Online education                                hibited schools from collecting fees during the lockdown
               Optional online classes
                                                               period. Then it allowed only schools that conduct online
                                                               classes to collect fees. In the circumstances, it has become
                                                               very difficult to pay teachers. The government should waive
                                                               private schools’ property tax and electricity dues owing for
               Fees                                            the past few months” — R amranjan Kumar Sing h, gen-
               No fee hike, parents not to be compelled        eral secretary, Jharkhand Private Schools Association
               to pay

               Online education
               No government directive                          Fees
                                                                No fee hike or extra charge for online classes
               High court order
               On June 19, high court ordered that schools      Online education
               cannot cancel admission on failure to            Online classes for limited hours
               deposit fees
                                                                High court order
                                                                On July 8, Karnataka high court stayed govern-
                                                                ment order banning online classes for LKG-class
               Fees                                             V
               Parents not to be compelled to pay fees;
               no fee hike in 2020-2021                        “The  Karnataka  government  has  not
                                                               come  forward  to  help  private  school
               Online education                                education, either monetarily or through
               No government directive                         policy making during this difficult time
               High court order                                even though we contribute immensely
               On June 30, Punjab and Haryana HC allowed private schools to col-  to nation building. The government is
               lect tuition, admission fee irrespective of online classes  also sending mixed messages about on-
                                                               line classes. On one hand, it is encour-
             Moreover, the state government has issued an order stat-  aging profit-making online education businesses such as
             ing that the School Leaving Certificate is not mandatory   Byjus and Vedant and on the other it is discouraging private
             for students wanting admission into government schools.  schools from conducting online classes to ensure learning
             “The government is doing its best to destroy the state’s pri-  continuity of children.” — M  ans o o r A li Khan, general
             vate schools especially budget private schools (BPS). First,   secretary, Management of Independent CBSE Schools As-
             its directives deferring fees collection and prohibiting an-  sociation, Karnataka

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