Page 56 - Education World July 2020
P. 56



             SUCCESS STORY

             Katha’s pioneer initiative of providing alternative               Delhi’s Govindpuri slums, the Katha
             education and skills training to 9.8 million slum children        Slum  Resurgence  Initiative,  Katha
             in Delhi NCR is recognised worldwide                              English Academy, Katha Information
                                                                               Technology and E-commerce School,
             DILIP BOBB                                                        Katha School of Entrepreneurship and
                                                                               a I Love Reading campaign — which
                      ne week after the Covid-19   merited because the story beautifully   together have positively impacted 9.8
                      pandemic induced national   combines a parable for the unprece-  million  underprivileged  children  in
                      lockdown was implement-  dented Covid-19 era with the allure of   the national capital region.
             Oed  in  end  March,  Geeta      a mystery narrative. This is the magic   Katha’s pioneer initiative of provid-
             Dharmarajan,  founder  of  Delhi-  formula  of  all  of  Katha’s  children’s   ing  alternative  education  and  skills
             based NGO Katha (estb.1988), wrote   books — they combine learning with   training to underprivileged children
             a children’s book titled The M y stery    — entertainment and a ‘Big Idea’.   through  its  unique  ‘storypedagogy’
             of  the M i ssi ng  S oap .  This  fictional   Since  she  started  Katha  in  1988   and literature going back 2,500 years
             story highlighted the message of per-  with a magazine for children of un-  has  been  acknowledged  and  recog-
             sonal hygiene. Within days, the book   derserved  communities,  Dharmara-  nised  worldwide.  The  32-year-old
             — and its message — went viral, and   jan and her team, which has grown   NGO is recipient of the ICICI India In-
             global. From Poland to Japan and the   to  120,  have  realised  impossible   clusive Award 2012; North India Win-
             Middle East, The M y stery  of  the M i ss-  dreams, in most creative ways. The   ner of India NGO Awards 2009, and
             i ng S oap  was downloaded on Kindle,   NGO is a major children’s books pub-  Katha’s I Love Reading programme
             recited on radio, enacted on television,   lisher (370 titles in English & Hindi,   was awarded the Millennium Alliance
             and there’s even a feature film in the   translated from 21 Indian languages);   Award 2013 by USAID and govern-
             works.  The  international  acclaim  is   it also runs the Katha Lab School in   ment of India.

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