Page 57 - Education World July 2020
P. 57

After  imposition  of  the  nation-
             wide lockdown on March 25, Katha’s
             120-strong  team  has  continued  its
             work of educating slum children by
             swiftly  switching  to  online  learning
             through  apps  such  as  Zoom,  Skype
             and other video and audio platforms.
             “Since the lockdown, all our employ-
             ees  are  working  hard  to  keep  our
             50,000  children  interested  and  in-
             volved in learning. Katha’s community
             development model is based on child
             welfare, education and literature, and
             on the idea that no Katha child shall
             live in poverty,” says Dharmarajan, an
             English literature alumna of Madras
             University and former assistant editor
             of the best-selling weekly I ndi a Today
             and the P enn G az ette (founded by Dr.
             Benjamin Franklin) of the University   Geeta Dharmarajan: storytelling pedagogy innovator
             of Pennsylvania (1983-85).
                After  returning  to  India,  in  1987   newspaper, an impressively-equipped   Creativity for the Katha Relevant Ed-
             Dharmarajan  founded  Tam asha,  a   music  room  and  recording  studio;   ucation for All-Round Development
             Hindi  language  health  awareness   even  filmmaking  equipment.  Katha   (KREAD)  and  provides  alternative
             quarterly  for  slum  children,  with  a   (‘story’  in  English)  bases  its  educa-  education to 2,000 children living in
             Rs.5 lakh grant from Unicef. A year   tional  approach  on  storytelling  and   eight slum clusters of Govindpuri.
             later, it morphed into Katha, a chil-  also runs a publishing house, research   The  centre  also  hosts  the  Katha
             dren’s publications NGO. “We publish   and  resource  centre  for  children’s   School  of  Entrepreneurship  (KSE,
             enjoyable children’s books using our   books and local writers — translating   estb.1995)  and  Katha  Information
             storytelling  pedagogy  in  Hindi  and   stories into English and Hindi from   Technology and E-commerce School
             English translated from 21 regional   21 regional Indian languages. Here,   (KITES, estb.2001). Promoted in 1995,
             Indian languages,” says Dharmarajan,   Gappers can take up an internship to   KSE provides short-term courses cer-
             now based in Chennai.            become proofreaders, copywriters and   tified by the Union ministry of human
                 atha  is,  however,  more  than  a   researchers, even doing some creative   resource  development  and  National
             Kchildren’s books publishing en-  writing of their own.”          Institute of Open Schooling in tailor-
             terprise. Its multi-tasking is perhaps   Since inception, Katha has provid-  ing, dress design, bakery and food pro-
             best described by Tim Walker, a Brit-  ed alternative education to 9.8 million   cessing to 150 underprivileged youth
             ish university student who spent his   children living in the slums of Delhi   annually. KITES, a joint initiative of
             gap year in India including an intern-  NCR,  trained  20,000  government   Katha and British Telecom, provides
             ship stint with Katha. On his return to   school  teachers  in  ‘storypedagogy’   year-long ICT skills training to batch-
             the UK, he wrote about his experience   and has networked with 3,000 librar-  es of 300 youth residing in the Gov-
             at the Katha Lab School and several   ians to enhance the reading skills of   indpuri slums. Thus far, KITES has
             government  schools  in  India  where   more  than  1  million  children  aged   trained 30,000 youth.
             this  NGO  implements  its  School   5-17 years. With the passage of time   Katha’s  child-centric  initiatives
             Quality  Enhancement  Programme   Katha Lab School, promoted in 1990,   are supplemented by community de-
             (SQEP).  Writing  in  the  influential   has  transformed  into  the  Centre  of   velopment programmes under which
             London-based I ndep endent (August                                this  innovative  NGO  runs  income
             14, 2006), he says: “The Katha organ-                             generation  and  skills  training  pro-
             isation has its own schools, welcome   After imposition of the Co-  grammes for women residing in the
             oases  in  the  Delhi  slums,  reaching   vid-19 national lockdown,   proliferating  slums  of  the  national
             out to 7,000 underprivileged children                             capital city. Every year, it presents its
             across the sprawling capital. The pu-  Katha’s 120-strong team    D i lli  k i  S haan (Pride of Delhi) Awards
             pils at the main Katha (Lab) school are   has swiftly switched to on-  to 15 women community leaders. The
             given opportunities that many British   line teaching-learning    impact  of  Katha’s  sustained  Dilli  ki
             schoolchildren would envy — a school                              Shaan  women’s  development  pro-

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