Page 60 - Education World July 2020
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             and self-development projects in Kol-
             kata. The lab manages projects and
             has researched several topics such as
             students motivation and school atten-
             dance, storypedagogy and happiness
             quotient  of  children,  Katha’s  com-
             munity-owned and operated libraries
             (COOLs) in 39 slum habitations, Big
             Ideas in Katha’s children’s books, and
             ways and means to support and refine
             the I Love Reading programme. It also
             provides digital technologies manage-
             ment training to government school
             teachers. “We are training 1,000 gov-
             ernment school teachers in Delhi NCR
             to  keep  Katha  projects  alive  during
             the lockdown. We are training them
             to adapt to our projects’ technology-
             based platforms,” says Sarkar.   I Love Reading programme session. Inset: Reeta Sutradhar
                 eeta Sutradhar,  an  English
             Rand education postgrad of Delhi   Initiative, BT Global India, CAF In-  munity development. Our fundraising
             University who signed up with Katha   dia,  Commonwealth  Girls’  Educa-  team of four which sends detailed an-
             in 2003 after several years of teach-  tion Fund, Cians Analytics, DASRA,   nual reports to committed donor-part-
             ing in schools, is currently the NGO’s   Deloitte, Essar, FICCI, German Em-  ners and comprehensive plans to pro-
             director  (schools).  Her  portfolio  is   bassy, HCL Foundation, HDFC Bank,   spective donors, has always received
             to  train  teachers  in  300  municipal   HSBC, New Zealand High Commis-  good response,” says A nand Sing h
             schools in Delhi, Haryana and Uttar   sion, ONGC, Oracle, Raza Foundation,   R ana, a physics postgrad of Kumaun
             Pradesh (Delhi NCR) and familiarise   Rotary  International,  Sapient,  Tata   University (Uttarakhand), who signed
             them with the storytelling pedagogy   Communications,  Tech  Mahindra   up with Katha in 2000 and is director,
             developed by Katha Lab School. She   Foundation,  Villigro,  Worldreader,   support services.
             also  heads  this  innovative  NGO’s  I   Yorkshire and Omidyar network.   Although the prolonged closure of
             Love Reading programme which has   “Contrary  to  popular  perception,   schools since mid-March has proved
             enthused over 1.4 million children in   Indian industry and offshore chari-  a setback for Katha’s numerous initia-
             corporation schools to improve their   ties are forthcoming and generous in   tives to disseminate the joy of reading
             reading and comprehension.       funding   ona   de  NGOs  with  good   and learning through alternative edu-
                Post the Covid-19 lockdown, learn-  track records in education and com-  cation, Dharmarajan is optimistic that
             ing has moved online and Sutradhar is   Rana: generous donors     it will quickly recover its momentum
             focused on educating the community                                after the worst is over. “Work on one
             about the pandemic. “Because most                                 of our most ambitious projects to pub-
             parents aren’t able to afford Internet                            lish a GEEK (gender, equity, equality
             data  charges  needed  for  live  online                          and kindness) volume which will fea-
             classes, we are using recorded videos                             ture 100 stories drawn from a treasure
             or WhatsApp to continue children’s                                house of 2,500 narratives translated
             learning. Once the situation improves                             into  Hindi  and  English  from  27  re-
             and admissions start, the Katha Lab                               gional languages is almost complete.
             School will hold night classes to pro-                            Since printing and distribution of pa-
             vide  remedial  learning  to  our  chil-                          per books is difficult because of lock-
             dren,” says Sutradhar.                                            down restrictions, we will be upload-
                To  sustain  its  several  initiatives,                        ing an e-version in end July. Later,
             Katha  is  entirely  dependent  on  do-                           when schools reopen, we’ll publish the
             nors and fundraising. Major donor-                                printed  edition.  Enabling  children’s
             partners include the Australian High                              education through joy of learning is a
             Commission, Ark UK, Ashoka Inno-                                  continuous endeavour in Katha,” says
             vations, Aviva, Bank of Tokyo, British                            Dharmarajan.
             Asian Trust, Barrington Educational                                 God speed!

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