Page 64 - Education World July 2020
P. 64


             (Bangladesh, Canada, Co-  a refugee at the end of a
             lombia, the Congo, Egypt,   three-year journey, where   WHY BAD THINGS CAN’T HAPPEN
             Guatemala, Iraq, Italy,   she endures insults and    TO GOOD PEOPLE! BECAUSE
                                                                  APPLES CAN’T GROW ON MANGO
             Jordan, Mexico, Myan-    mistreatment by other       TREES
             mar, Syria, Uganda, the   children at school before   Atman in Ravi
             United States, Yemen, and   she witnesses a vigilante   AIR INSTITUTE OF REALIZATION
             Zambia). Here is a gist of   attack on her home, which
             those stories, which have   kills her mother and deep-  Rs.122 Pages 175
             to be read in full to grasp   ly wounds her father. The
             their import.            family is then fortunate to
                Zaynab and Sabreen,   be accepted, after a wait   Uganda. She ends her
             sisters of mixed African   of several years, to live on   story poignantly: “I still   While it’s easy to
             parentage, had a diametri-  refugee status in Lan-  struggle to find out what   accept pain and
             cally opposite experience   caster, PA, USA, where,   I will do for the country   suffering of the sinful
             going from their home in   in a happy ending, Marie   where I was born. While I   and corrupt as just
             Egypt to the United States,   completes her final year of   often feel as if my coun-  punishment, it’s more
             seemingly on account of   schooling and graduates   try gave up on me, I have   difficult to explain
             capricious authority which   from high school just six   never given up on it.”  why noble and upright
             readily grants one of them   months after arriving, hav-  For a true apprecia-  people are visited by
             a visa, while refusing it   ing convinced the school   tion of what these brave   pain and anguish
             to the other. Muzoon, a   authorities to admit her   women have endured and
             13-year-old Syrian girl in a   against heavy odds.   achieved, you have to read
             refugee camp in Jordan, is   Ajida, a young Ro-   the book. Their lives will   obviously don’t deserve
             able to convince other girls   hingya woman from   surely comfort the dis-  it? While it is easy to ac-
             in the camp that school-  Myanmar, is forced to run   placed multitudes in our   cept pain and suffering of
             ing is a better option than   to an open-air camp in   uncertain and dangerous   the sinful and corrupt as
             waiting to be married to   neighbouring Bangladesh   world.               just punishment, it’s far
             older men, which is the   with her husband and         DR. MOHAN RAJ (The   more difficult to explore
             only other option their   three children to escape a   Book  R ev i ew,  February-  the complexity of noble,
             lives offer them. Najla,   military attack. Her fam-             March)   upright and god-fearing
             a Yazidi girl from Iraq,   ily remains stateless and                      people visited by pain
             survives the horrors of an   homeless and has had to                      and anguish. On a larger
                                      shift camp from the river
             ISIS attack and fights her   plains for fear of floods, to  Explaining    canvas, the enormous pain
             father — and orthodox                                                     and suffering that millions
             community values — to    treacherous mountains,                           of people are subjected to
             resume schooling.        with little external sup-  suffering & pain      as a result of war, poverty,
                Maria, the daughter of   port.                                         and displacement could
             a farmer, lost her father   The story of Farah from   T IS THE HUMAN      prompt utter despair
             at the age of four to a   Uganda now settled in     condition for every   and make us lose hope in
             militants’ attack and is   Canada, is told in retro- Iperson to want hap-  goodness and justice in
             forced to flee her home in   spect. She is now a project   piness and conversely,   this world.
             the Colombian countryside   administrator helping   to avoid pain. Yet, why is   For people who believe
             with her family, to live   girls’ education in Uganda,   happiness so elusive and   in God, the Creator and
             in a makeshift camp in   but her family had been   pain so ubiquitous? Why   Controller of the universe,
             Cali city for the next three   victim of Idi Amin’s forced   is there so much suffering   what we may view as un-
             years. She then joins a   exodus of Ugandans of   in the world? Most of us   just suffering poses major
             theatre group for children   Asian origin, back in 1972,   must have reflected on this   theological questions
             set up by a community    when Farah was two years   question at some point.  concerning the power,
             organisation and ends up   of age. They had tried so   A related issue is un-  goodness and justice of
             as a 16-year-old, making a   hard to assimilate into   warranted pain world-  God. If God is, as many re-
             documentary about what it   Canadian life that until   wide. Why do people who   ligions aver, all-powerful,
             means to be displaced.   she became an adult,     are genuinely good and   all-just and all-good, why
                Marie Claire escapes   Farah had no idea of her   selfless often experience   does He permit suffering
             the violence of her native   origins or of the tyranny   excruciatingly painful   and distress on such a
             Congo to enter Zambia as   that forced their exile from   situations in life when they   massive scale? If God is,

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