Page 66 - Education World July 2020
P. 66


             Raj end mercy                                     only a small portion of their huge fortune. To the extent
                                                               that in the 1990s when Srichand Hinduja’s citizenship
                                                               application ran into rough weather, prime minister Tony
                  HE BELATED DECISION OF HINDUSTAN             Blair reportedly cleared it directly. Soon their business
                  Unilever Ltd (HUL), the Indian subsidiary of the   operations and clout spread to continental Europe, India
             TLondon/Amsterdam-based globe-girdling house-     and the Middle East. In 1978, the plutocrats joined the ex-
             hold and personal care consumer products behemoth   clusive fraternity of foreign nationals allowed to establish
             (annual revenue: $5.4 billion/Rs.38,785 crore) to drop   a bank in Switzerland (Hinduja Bank).
             the descriptive ‘fair’ from its best-selling Fair & Lovely   Inevitably in the heyday of neta-babu socialism
             (F&L) skin-lightening face cream, has come as a vindica-  (1970-90), entrepreneurial capabilities and extraordinary
             tion for your editors in E duc ati onWorld. For the past two   business management expertise had little value in India,
             decades, we have been highly critical of HUL for mar-  and the Hindujas had an unsavoury reputation. At that
             keting Fair & Lovely which subtly conveys the message   time as editor of Busi ness I ndi a and Busi nessworld, your
             that being colonially light skinned is the pre-condition of   correspondent was the first to extol their business and
             being classified as beautiful.                    finance expertise. However, one also became aware that
                Splashed across all media, the damage that aggres-  they were totally focused on primitive capital accumula-
             sive marketing of F&L by insensitive compradors of HUL   tion. Despite the positive write-ups the said business
             has inflicted on the collective Indian psyche is immense.   magazines gave them, they were tight-fisted about
             Braindead Bollywood producers routinely choose pasty   reciprocating by way of occasional advertising. Ditto with
             white heroines or their heavily made up facsimiles, for   then struggling E duc ati onWorld, despite the brothers’
             lead roles in their movies. Relentlessly advertised for   professed interest in matters educational.
             over half a century, this fairness cream has paradoxically   Admittedly they are not legally obliged, but the unwrit-
             transformed India into a colour prejudiced nation, as   ten social contract is that it’s obligatory for prosperous
             evidenced by its regressive matrimonial advertising and   business enterprises to lend a small helping hand to
             offensive treatment of African and black people.   struggling enterprises labouring in the broader public
                One of the company’s “astonishingly insensitive” F&L   interest. Especially if they have spoken up on their behalf.
             ad campaigns was targeted by your editors way back in   Hence the sc hadenf reude.
             2004. The storyline of the ad depicted a perfectly good
             looking ethnic lass with cricket commentating aspirations
             not getting anywhere until she lightens her skin tone and   Welcome privatisation
             charms her way into national television. The irony was
             that the ad was aired on a programme hosted by former   SPATE OF NEWLY PROMOTED globally-bench-
             test cricketers Laxman Sivaramakrishna and V.V.S. Lax-  A
                                                                    marked private universities are set to highlight
             man, tall, dark and handsome, but implicitly disqualified   the severe inadequacies of government colleges
             because of their ethnic skin tones. Although the ad cam-  and universities. Promoted through specially enacted
             paign was dropped soon after, our criticism cost this then   legislation of state governments (education is a concur-
             struggling publication dearly. HUL cut off all ad support   rent subject under the Constitution) which tend to be
             and has never advertised with us since.           less nitpicking and fault-finding than the mandarins of
                Fortunately, the British Raj ended outside the Sobo   the Union HRD ministry and its handmaiden regulatory
             headquarters of HUL 58 years earlier. If it hadn’t, the   agencies (UGC, AICTE, NAAC), this new genre of private
             price would have been greater. Your editor perhaps,   universities is stealing the thunder from vintage colleges
             would have been tending the gardens of the Cellular Jail   such as St. Stephen’s and Shri Ram College of Commerce,
             in the Andaman Islands.                           Delhi, St. Xavier’s, Mumbai, MCC, Chennai. In particular,
                                                               they are bad news for state government arts, science and
             Hinduja schadenfreude                             commerce colleges that constitute the majority of the
                                                               country’s 39,000 undergrad colleges dispensing reckless,
                                                               untrustworthy certification.
                  HE LATEST NEWS THAT THE APPLES OF discord      Admittedly these contemporary residential private
                  have divided the London-based Hinduja broth-  universities — Ashoka and Jindal Global in Delhi NCR,
             Ters, one of the greatest entrepreneurial families   Ahmedabad University, Bennett, Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
             of Indian business, has aroused mixed feelings in your   and Plaksha University, Mohali (Punjab) among others,
             editor who has interacted with them off and on for over   levy tuition and residence fees which are sky-high by
             four decades. On the one hand, it’s impossible not to   India standards, but way lower than demanded by even
             admire their sharp business acumen, and capability to   third rung American and British universities. Moreover,
             quickly spot strategic opportunities and c arp e di em . The   being well endowed ab  i ni ti o, they tend to be generous
             four brothers Hinduja built their initial fortune in Iran   with scholarships and freeships.
             under the ruthless autocratic rule of Reza Shah Pahlavi   And although their arrival on the higher education
             (1941-1979) and fled Iran just before Ayatollah Khomeini   scene has prompted much head-shaking and disapproval
             radicalised the country into an austere clerical autocracy.   (“commercialisation of education”) within the tenured
                In the UK as well, the enterprising Hindujas rapidly   closet communist professariat which continues to domi-
             built their second fortune which soon dwarfed their first,   nate academia, these privately promoted universities are
             and acquired far greater political influence than they   here to stay. Ambitious school-leavers are delighted as
             ever had in Iran or India where they prudently invested   testified by the scramble for admissions.

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