Page 65 - Education World July 2020
P. 65
as believers say, all grace, book by Bangalore-based this world or the hereafter. in a previous life. Thus,
why doesn’t He put an im- spiritual teacher Atman All religions believe in we create our own pain. It
mediate end to all misery in Ravi or AiR attempts the hereafter, the after- is not the result of some
in the world? to provide an explanation life that follows in the arbitrary decision of God,
Atheists often raise to the cryptic question of undiscovered country suggests AiR. We have no
such questions in their why bad things happen to whose bourn no traveller one but ourselves to blame
critique of the concept good people. Writing from returns. But the afterlife is for our miseries.
of God. It’s almost a theistic perspective, AiR differently conceptualised The book provides
impossible to be powerful, believes that the answer is in various religions. Some thoughtful insights on
good and just, as is to be found in the karmic scriptures believe that hu- how to manage suffer-
claimed by believers and Law of Action and Reac- man beings have just one ing — our own as well as
allow innocent people to tion, and belief in rebirth. life, after which they will of others — and how to
suffer hurt and pain, at According to the Law either go to heaven or hell lead a life that can liberate
the same time, is their of Action and Reaction, forever, as reward or pun- us from everlasting pain
argument. people reap what they sow. ishment for their actions and sorrow. Not everyone
To this argument, the- To use a simile from the on earth. Other religions will, of course, agree with
ists respond by articulat- title of the book, apples believe in the cyclical everything the book says.
ing the rationalisation that can’t grow on mango trees. theory of reincarnation But that said, this book
human suffering can be If we sow a mango seed, determined by one’s deeds is a must-read. It attempts
reconciled with faith in the we can’t expect it to pro- on earth — a perspective to harmonise life from a
existence of a benign and duce apples. Doers of bad the author supports. religious perspective in a
just God. However, differ- deeds receive retribution For instance, if a person manner easily comprehen-
ent theistic traditions offer sometime in the future, if widely regarded as good sible to even those readers
varied explanations in this not immediately, and con- suffers a major calamity, with minimal theological
regard. versely, good deeds have it could be the outcome of knowledge.
This brilliantly written intended consequences in a wrong or sin committed ROSHAN SHAH