Page 36 - EducationWorld September 2020
P. 36

Cover Story


              BRILLIANT CASE

             FOR THE DEFENCE

             Against the backdrop of pervasive confusion about the character and
             role of private schools in the national development effort, this detailed
             unprecedented report demolishes widely disseminated myths of Left-
             liberal academics and shallow media about private K-12 education

              Dilip Thakore

              T              HE NEW NATIONAL EDUCATION Pol-    monitor the country’s pre-primary to Ph D education in-

                                                               stitutions, especially private schools and higher education
                             icy 2020, presented to the nation by
                                                               institutions which are anathema to them.
                             Union education minister Dr. Ramesh
                                                                 The ideologues of the RSS have silently welcomed the
                             Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ and his predeces-
                             sor Prakash Javadekar on July 29, has
                                                               new education policy because comprehensive government
                             received great acclamation from the
                                                               academy and rewrite Indian history proclaiming the glories
                             Left-dominated  India  academy,  and
                             from the right-wing Rashtriya Sway-  control of education clears the way for them to infiltrate the
                                                               of pre-Mughal Hindu kings, demonise Muslim rule over the
              amsevak Sangh (RSS), the ideological mentor organisa-  subcontinent during 16-18th centuries, and in the fullness
              tion of the BJP government at the Centre and in 12 states   of time, revise the Constitution of India to establish a Hindu
              of the Indian Union. Four years in the making, NEP 2020   rashtra in which the country’s 200 million Muslims will
              which comes after an interregnum of 34 years — the previ-  become second class citizens, as Hindus are in neighbour-
              ous National Education Policy was presented to the nation   ing Pakistan. For this project to succeed, private education
              in 1986 (reviewed in 1992) — has achieved this remark-  institutions have to be strictly monitored and controlled
              able balancing act by reinforcing the neta-babu (politician-  by the State.
              bureaucrat/educrat) control and command architecture of   Trapped between politicians and ideologues of the Left
              post-independence India’s education system.      and Right singing hosannas of NEP 2020, is India’s edu-
                The academy dominated by communists and fellow-  cated middle class, including the intelligentsia, liberal aca-
              travelling Left liberals have acclaimed NEP 2020 because   demics, the media and educated upper middle class, aka
              it multiplies the number of government policy formulation   the establishment, which shapes and moulds public opin-
              and regulatory agencies to direct and closely supervise and   ion. Bombarded by continuous socialist propaganda and

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