Page 31 - EducationWorld September 2020
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Grammy, 34 Emmy, seven Tony and eight Academy awards.     SCHOLASTIC OPTIONS AT BERKLEE
                Founded as Schillinger House in 1945 by musician and
             MIT  graduate  Lawrence  Berk,  the  college  initially  pro-  Berklee College of Music, Boston offers a wide range of
             vided jazz music education. In 1954, when the curriculum   undergraduate and postgraduate study programmes. They
             expanded to include other music genres, it was renamed   include:
             the Berklee School of Music and re-christened the Berklee   Bachelor of Music. Composition; contemporary writing and
             College of Music in 1970. On January 20, 2016, Berklee   production; electronic production and design; film scoring;
             signed a merger agreement with The Boston Conservatory   jazz composition; music business/management; music ed-
             (estb.1867) — one of the world’s oldest and pre-eminent   ucation; music production and engineering; music therapy;
             performing arts conservatories. The combined institution   performance; professional music; and songwriting
             is known as Berklee with the conservatory renamed The   Graduate programmes. Contemporary performance (global
             Boston Conservatory at Berklee.                    jazz concentration), contemporary performance (production
                With its main campus in Boston, a second campus in   concentration), global entertainment and music business,
             New York, and an international campus in Valencia, Spain,   music production, technology, and innovation; scoring for
             Berklee offers study programmes in music and the perform-  film, television, and video games; creative media and tech-
             ing arts to 6,439 undergraduate and 560 graduate students.   nology with specialisation in songwriting and production,
             The faculty-student ratio is an enviable 1:4. However in the   live experience design, writing and design for musical the-
             wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, all Berklee programmes are   ater; M.A music business; M.M music production; MBA mu-
             being offered remotely/online for the current fall semester.  sic business; M.M. brass performance; harp performance;
             Boston. The capital of Massachusetts state, Boston (pop.8.2   marimba performance; music education: non-licensure pro-
             million) is the sixth largest city in the US. But perhaps more   gramme; music education — autism concentration; musi-
             important, Boston is the ultimate gown town and provides   cal theater; orchestral conducting; percussion performance;
             an exhilarating academic experience with more than 50 col-  piano performance; string performance; vocal pedagogy;
             leges and universities situated in the Greater Boston area.   voice performance; opera performance; woodwind perfor-
             The climate in Boston is continental, with cold, snowy win-  mance.
             ters and warm to hot and humid summers, punctuated with
             frequent thunderstorms.
             Campus facilities. Berklee’s main campus hosts 25 build-  Tuition & other fees (annual)  ters,  transcripts  and
             ings in Boston’s Back Bay area. Classrooms are specially   Tuition    $44,360  portfolio.  All  full-time
             designed to enable music learning and equipped with au-  Fees    $1,300      students  are  evaluated
             dio-visual and stereo sound systems, overhead projectors,   Software bundle  $1,285.63  for scholarships during
             whiteboards, musical instruments and excellent acoustics.   Room and board  $18,640  the admission process.
             The main dining hall is housed within a floor-to-ceiling   Miscellaneous   $2,700  For further informa-
             glass structure that transforms into a concert venue. Berk-  Total  $68,285  tion, contact the Office
             lee’s  sprawling  campus  houses  12  performance  venues,   $=Rs.74.45      of Admissions, Berklee
             the largest being the Berklee Performance Center. This                       College of Music, 1140,
             1,215-seats concert hall hosts performances and produc-  Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02215; Ph: 617-747-2222; e-
             tions by students, faculty, touring artistes and community   mail:; website:
             organisations. Renowned Indian musicians A.R. Rahman   admissions
             and  Shankar  Mahadevan  have  performed  at  the  centre   Accommodation. The office of housing and residential edu-
             jointly with Berklee students.                    cation houses 1,500 students in five residential facilities,
                For  sports  and  games,  Berklee  students  are  entitled   located at short distance from Berklee’s academic build-
             to utilise health and fitness services of the neighbouring   ings. Each of them — some over 100 years old — offers 24-
             Northeastern University, YMCA, Boston Sports Club and   hour security, laundry, kitchen and other amenities. For
             the Tennis and Racquet Club at discounted rates.   instance, 98 Hemenway Street, built in 1899 and renovat-
             Admission. Each study programme at Berklee specifies its   ed in 2005, comprises five residential floors and provides
             own admission criteria. For admission into undergradu-  laundry facilities, practice rooms and a community lounge.
             ate programmes, students must submit online application   150 Massachusetts Avenue is the largest residence hall and
             forms together with academic transcripts evaluated by a   hosts the Stan Getz Library, study rooms and other aca-
             credential agency (Span Tran or Educational Credential   demic spaces.
             Evaluators)  and  proof  of  English  language  proficiency   Degree programmes. Berklee offers 27 undergraduate and 32
             (TOEL, IELTS, PTE Academic test scores). Shortlisted ap-  graduate degree programmes; 20 summer and internation-
             plicants are invited for online audition and interviews. For   al college and pre-college programmes; and online courses.
             postgraduate programmes, admission applications must
 Berklee Boston campus: award winners factory  be submitted together with resumé, recommendation let-  AKHILA DAMODARAN

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