Page 30 - EducationWorld September 2020
P. 30
Institution Profile
Technologies Ltd; Sameer Sain, CEO, leadership training and interactive
Everstone Group and Vikas Oberoi, ADMISSION & FEES teaching-learning systems. “We have
chairman, Oberoi Realty Ltd. devised an interactive pedagogy that
“Avasara’s unique model of Avasara Academy is a class VI-XII stimulates thinking, writing, discus-
providing transformative STEM all-girls day-cum-boarding school sion and problem-solving. Moreover
education and leadership training affiliated with the Cambridge As- under our leadership curriculum, all
to girl children aligns perfectly with sessment International Education, students are expected to start micro-
our own sensibilities,” says s h is h UK. Admission is based on a series enterprises and assume advocacy
G a ik w a d, managing director of of aptitude tasks and interviews. and leadership roles at home, on
Honeywell Automation India Ltd, campus and in community-based
which has been partnering with Ava- Tuition fees are means tested. projects,” says os e p h C u b a s , head
sara since 2017. For admission inquiries and further of school, Avasara Academy, who
Sited within the specially des- information e-mail admissions@ adds that the school’s network of col-
ignated Knowledge City in Lavale laborations with educators, profes-
Valley, which also hosts two private sionals and institutions such as Yale
universities — FLAME and Sym- University provide students interna-
biosis International — Avasara’s sporting activities — chess; football, tional exposure and opportunities.
minimalistic and environmentally badminton — are conducted in large Avasara’s school-leavers this past
sustainable campus is designed by open grounds and indoor rooms year have been awarded scholarships
the highly-reputed Mumbai-based while the school’s art and theatre to enrol in degree programmes of
Case Design. The 4.5-acre campus productions are held in open spaces Ashoka University, Sonipat and Krea
comprises a collection of eco-friendly on campus. University, Sri City (AP) in India,
buildings connected by informal In the wake of the current pan- and Huron University, Mt Holyoke,
walkways, courtyards, gardens and demic, the school has temporarily Ithaca, and Juniata colleges in North
terraces. The buildings use bamboo, switched to online teaching-learning America.
recycled doors, windows, marble with the management providing According to Cubas, currently
chips (for the floors), solar panels digital devices to students who other- over 95 percent of students are on
and ground-to-top-floor air ducts wise wouldn’t have access. Online scholarships. “However, while we
as eco-friendly air conditioners in education is delivered through pre- are charitable and subsidise fees
classrooms. recorded video lessons, with teachers to the extent possible, we expect
Moreover in a departure from interacting with children and parents every family to contribute to their
the norm of separate hostels, five through a mobiles-friendly learning daughters’ education — it could be
of Avasara’s buildings have 27 management system. In addition to 1-100 percent of the total fee. In the
classrooms on the first two floors academics, online counseling is also future, we hope to have 70 percent
while 100 boarders reside on the provided to ensure students’ socio- students on scholarships and 30
two upper floors. Construction of an emotional well-being. percent paying full fees. We are also
amphitheatre and sports facilities is Yet the distinguishing features of working on building our endowment
in progress. Currently, the school’s Avasara Academy are its focus on corpus,” says Cubas.
Berklee College of Music, USA
Among the world’s most prestigious institutions
for study of music and the performing arts,
Berklee alumni have won 297 Grammy, 34
Emmy, seven Tony and eight Academy awards
LEGE of Music, Boston (aka Berklee), is among
the world’s largest and most prestigious higher
Eeducation institutions for the study of contempo-
rary music and the performing arts. CEO World magazine
ranked Berklee among America’s Top 3 music schools in
2019, while The H olly w ood Reporter ranks it among the
Top 25. Moreover, Berklee is ranked #3 in F orb es’ rank-
ings of colleges with most Oscar, Emmy and Grammy win-
ning alumni. To date, 126 Berklee alumni have won 297 Berklee Boston campus: award winners factory