Page 35 - EducationWorld September 2020
P. 35

videos, photos, or content at    on any topic regardless of       restrict access to a certain
         will and has provided a thrust   grade. A comprehensive           group of students or check
         to our teachers’ innovation      report of any number of          the time spent by a child
         and creativity. We are proud to   students can be generated and   to answer any question or
         share that we are now creating   shared in one click saving us    time taken to complete the
         our own pool of digital content   enormous time and effort.       assessment. In other words,
         using the features provided        Teachers can also set          Fliplearn Edge offers teachers
         within the app.                  question papers in no time       complete control and flexibility
           Education is incomplete        by choosing objective, short     to manage their teaching
         without the support of parents.     answer or long answer         schedules.
         Fliplearn Edge enables smooth    type of questions from the         For parents anxious about
         collaboration with parents       inbuilt question bank. The       the future of their children in
         at every step of the online      platform also allows them        Covid era, its noteworthy that
         teaching-learning process. We    to give specific instructions    an e-learning platform like
         are also using the software for   for the questions. Moreover     Fliplearn has played a vital
         conducting fun quizzes and       teachers can schedule a test/    role in providing a seamless
         activities to eliminate boredom   assessment in advance and       connection to their education.
         in the process of learning for   enable the features of the       While the world grapples with
         our students.                    number of attempts allowed,      the ‘new normal’, teaching has
           This learning platform has     word limit,  type and number     transformed overnight and
         phenomenally enhanced the        of attachments uploaded.         online learning is now a part of
         productivity of our teachers as   Teachers can also set a time    every child’s education cycle.
         it offers them well-designed     limit for the test which can be
         practice assignments and         edited by them at any given
         reliable question banks to help   point in time and also use        Toll free no. 1800 103 0362
         create assessments and quizzes   hide or show features and       
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