Page 26 - EducationWorld September 2020
P. 26
Education Briefs
Cyber security programme Gurgaon in India. nication education, and campuses
in Milan, Rome, Barcelona, Madrid,
BANGALORE, AUGUST 19. In association UN Millennium fellowships Turin, Florence, Venice, Como and
with HackerU, Israel’s premier cy- Cagliari. This module, which will be
ber security training provider, Jigsaw NEW DELHI, AUGUST 26. Twelve students included in our two-year postgrad
Academy, a Manipal Global investee of Ashoka University, Sonipat (Gur- programmes, will enhance the skills
company, announced the launch of a gaon) have been awarded the pres- of our students and provide them a
new Masters certificate in cyber secu- tigious UN Millennium Fellowship wider global experience,” said P rof .
rity (Blue Team) study programme. programme, a collaborative initiative N a n dita A b ra h a m , president, Pearl
According to Jigsaw Academy of United Nations Academic Impact Academy, speaking on the occasion.
spokespersons, cyber security has be- (UNAI) and the Millennium Cam-
come an important subject since most pus Network (MCN), a Boston-based MeritTrac’s proctored
organisations have started function- global non-profit. The objective of the
ing remotely. There are over 3 million one semester on-campus programme MET 2020
job openings for cyber security experts is to develop young leaders worldwide.
worldwide, they say. “Under the fellowship programme, BANGALORE, AUGUST 18. The Bangalore-
“Defensive cyber security is one of our students will be working in di- based MeritTrac Services which pro-
the most secure and high-income pro- verse projects such as educating visu- vides end-to-end exam administration
fessions of the cyber world. 85 percent ally challenged people through audio solutions for governments, education
of the job openings in the cyber secu- calls during the pandemic; developing institutions and job-readiness test-
rity domain are for cyber defenders, a telemedicine platform that connects ing services to corporates around
also known as Blue Team profession- volunteer doctors with at-risk migrant the world, partnered with the top-
als. Our Masters certificate in cyber workers; cleansing water bodies; writ- ranked Manipal Academy of Higher
security programme will help learn- ing a policy framework for instituting Education (MAHE) and successfully
ers build and protect the infrastruc- waste paper recycling units in Indian concluded remote proctoring of MET
ture of companies while also helping universities, etc,” says A l i I m ra n , 2020, the academy’s annual entrance
them thwart cyber predators,” said vice president (external engagement) examination. The exams were held
A rie l C oh e n , CEO, HackerU Global of Ashoka University. for MAHE’s undergraduate and Ph D
Education, speaking on the occasion. For the 2020 programme, 15,000 courses from August 1-13.
students from 1,400 campuses in 135 For the first time in India, over
Kido Home launch countries applied for fellowships. Of 100,000 candidates writing MET
2020 were proctored remotely and
them, 1,438 from 80 campuses were
MUMBAI, AUGUST 5. The London-based awarded fellowships for this year. seamlessly without any disruption.
global preschool chain Kido Schools “With the technology and tools avail-
announced the launch of its online Pearl Academy-IED able today, we saw no reason to can-
learning initiative, Kido Home. This cel our entrance exams. The entire
home-based learning programme is agrrement process was meticulously designed,
for children aged 2-6 years who will planned, and executed without any
be administered age-appropriate pro- BANGALORE, AUGUST 1. The Delhi-based interruptions. Apart from advanced
grammes curated by experienced early Pearl Academy has entered into an AI-based tools, it was also the excep-
education experts. exclusive academic collaboration with tional quality of Merit Track proctor-
“The coronavirus pandemic has al- the Milan-based Istituto Europeo di ing professionals who made the exams
tered education. While there is no sub- Design (IED), a highly reputed cre- a success,” says r. N a ra y a n a a b -
stitute for learning in enriched physi- ative education institute with nine h a h it, registrar of MAHE.
cal preschool environments, we have campuses across Europe. Under the Adds A m b ris h S in h a , CEO of
created a programme tailor made for collaboration agreement, IED will MeritTrac Services: “We believe re-
online delivery, for youngest children. provide a 50-contact hours interna- mote and online proctoring will be
Our curriculum is a holistic balance of tional module programme to Pearl used extensively in the future in
interactive personalised interaction Academy’s postgrad students who will higher education institutions for en-
between children and teachers,” says be assessed by IED faculty prior to be- trance as well as semester exams. It
A n iru ddh G u p ta , founder-promot- ing awarded certification. is satisfying to have partnered with
er of Kido Schools, a global network of “We are proud of this exclusive India’s top-ranked private university
preschools in London, Austin, Hous- collaboration with IED, which has to conduct the first MET 2020 remote
ton, Hong Kong and Dubai with cen- more than 50 years of experience in proctored high stakes entrance exam
tres in Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune and design, fashion and visual commu- of India.”