Page 21 - EducationWorld September 2020
P. 21

With BUCTU representing the fac-                               N a th a n , convenor of the Chennai-
             ulty of only 350 of the 823 colleges af-                          based Campaign for Language
             filiated with MU, data about the status                           Equality and Rights (estb.2015).
             of faculty and staff of the remaining                               Also the author of several books
             colleges  affiliated  with  MU,  is  un-                          including Moz hi Engal U y iruk k u
             available. Ideally, MU’s local inquiry                            N er, a 500-page tome on language
             committee  (LIC),  a  three-member                                rights movement in India, Nathan
             watchdog appointed by the university                              believes that Tamil Nadu’s two-
             to inspect affiliated colleges, should                            language formula introduced in
             have  investigated  their  condition.                             1968, has served the state well. “The
             More so, since almost all the colleges                            two-language formula of Tamil Nadu
             named  but  not  shamed  by  BUCTU,                               has been quite successful. The state’s
             figured in the LIC’s list of affiliation                          literacy rate was 80.33 percent in
             norm violators in 2017-18 and 2018-                               2011, way above the national aver-
             19. At that time, the MU management                               age. While we regard English rather
             had refrained from taking any action                              than Hindi as the official and link
             on these colleges, citing the negative                            language of India, we are in favour
             impact  disaffiliation  would  have  on   Senthil Nathan: covert Hindi imposition  of all children having the right to get
             their students.                                                   primary education in their mother
                Nothing  seems  to  have  changed   will be imposed on any state,” and   tongue,” adds Nathan.
             since then.                      secondly, “wherever possible, the    version to Hindi being imposed
                            Dipta Joshi (Mumbai)  medium of instruction until at least  Aupon the country as the na-
                                              grade V, but preferably till grade   tional language has a long history in
               TAMIL NADU                     VIII and beyond, will be the home   Tamil Nadu. Before India wrested its
             Needless                         language/mother-tongue/local     freedom from British rule, founder
                                                                               of the Dravidian movement Periyar
                                              language/regional language... This
             resurrection                     will be followed by both public and   E.V. Ramasamy opposed a decision
                                                                               of the revered C.R. Rajagopalachari,
                                              private schools”.
                                                 Although seemingly liberal, these   then chief minister, to accept Hindi
                    LTHOUGH THE ALL INDIA ADMK   proposals are like a red rag to a bull   as a compulsory subject in secondary
                    (AIADMK) ruling party is an   for Tamil Nadu’s politicians and two   schools. Subsequently in the 1960s
             Aally of the BJP/NDA gov-        major political parties – AIADMK   when Hindi was proposed as the
             ernment at the Centre, the three-  and the opposition DMK -- which   national language, riots broke out
             languages learning formula for all   rose to power in the 1960s when   in Tamil Nadu and several southern
             school-going children proposed in   Hindi was proposed to be legislated   states, forcing the Congress govern-
             the new National Education Policy   as the national language of India.    ment at the Centre to declare Hindi
             (NEP) 2020 has been rejected out-   “The three-language formula re-  as the ‘official’ language and English
             right by the state government and   iterated by NEP 2020 is a covert at-  as the associate official language.
             indeed by all political formations in   tempt to once again impose Hindi as   The fundamental objection of
             Tamil Nadu (pop. 68 million).    the national language. Since schools   Tamil Nadu’s political class is that
                 On August 3, chief minister Edap-  cannot afford teachers for all 29   if Hindi is accepted as the national
             padi K. Palaniswami forthrightly said   major languages of India, and Hindi   language of government, courts
             that the people of Tamil Nadu would   is widely spoken, the assumption   and business, graduates from north
             never accept the Centre’s three-  behind the three-language formula is   India’s Hindi-language states — UP,
             language policy, and would continue   that most schools will adopt Hindi as   Bihar, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh
             to teach two languages in the state’s   one of the three languages mandated   among others — would enjoy un-
             37,500 government schools. Nor   by NEP 2020. I am not against Hindi   merited advantage in government
             would it enforce the three-language   being taught to school students. But   employment and the professions. On
             mandate of NEP 2020 in private   the three-language formula violates   the other hand, English — or more
             schools statewide.               equality. In 1968, the Union govern-  pertinently Inglish — is neutral and
                 NEP 2020 approved by the Union   ment had said that Hindi, English   creates a level playing field for all
             cabinet on July 29, mandates two   and one southern language would be   citizens of India.
             language learning proposals — all   taught in all states. Hardly any of the   Nevertheless, proponents of the
             school-going children should learn   Hindi-speaking states have followed   two-language formula take pains to
             three languages but “no language   this formula,” says  a z h i S e n th il    stress that they are not against chil-
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