Page 20 - EducationWorld September 2020
P. 20

Education News

             cation) in Institutions specialist at                                     Mumbai University Senate
             Unicef, recommends that budgetary                                         member  and  professor  at
             provision should be made for rural                                        the Thadomal Shahani En-
             government schools for introducing                                        gineering College, Mumbai.
             WASH facilities. “The current provi-                                        Unfortunately   despite
             sion of Rs.2,500 for 100 children is                                      engineering  colleges  being
             completely inadequate. It needs to be                                     answerable  to  three  com-
             doubled,” she says.                                                       petent  authorities  —  MU
                 However, with the economy                                             and the director of technical
             contracting by 24 percent in the first                                    education (DTE) as also the
             quarter of fiscal 2020-21, the Central                                    All India Council for Techni-
             and state governments are certain to                                      cal Education (AICTE), the
             slash — forget about the NEP 2020                                         apex  governance  body  for
             recommendation to increase — edu-                                         technical  education  in  the
             cation outlays. In the circumstances,   Mumbai University: only 13 compliant colleges  country  —  salaries  of  fac-
             the children and youth of India are                                       ulty and staff are routinely
             caught between a rock and hard   of  1,00,000  students.  Their  annual   delayed, and several other violations
             place. If they start school, there’s the   tuition  fees  aggregate  an  estimated   of rules and regulations remain un-
             danger of Covid-19 infection. If edu-  Rs.1,295  crore  with  the  faculty  and   checked. It’s also noteworthy that s.72
             cation institutions remain shuttered,   staff  salaries  bill  totalling  Rs.500   (10) of the Maharashtra Universities
             tens of millions will suffer irrepa-  crore. Moreover it’s pertinent to note,   Act (2016) empowers MU to withdraw
             rable loss of learning and may drop   since engineering colleges collect their   the affiliation of colleges violating af-
             out of the education system. It’s an   annual tuition and other fees upfront   filiation norms. However when BUC-
             unenviable dilemma for government   in August/September, students’ fees   TU raised the matter at the MU Senate
             and parents.                     for the recently concluded academic   committee meeting held on August 25,
                              Autar Nehru (Delhi)  year were collected last year long be-  apart from assuring quick resolution
                                              fore  the  national  Covid-19-induced   of the matter, the university’s admin-
               MAHARASHTRA                    lockdown began.                  istration failed to initiate any action
                                                 Surprisingly  far  from  accepting
             Faculty predicament              their fault, college managements are   against colleges defaulting on timely
                                                                               payment of faculty salaries, a prime
                                              blaming the state government’s social   condition of affiliation.
                  ACULTY OF AN ESTIMATED  62 engi-  welfare department. They claim the   ven as the MU administration and
                  neering  colleges  in  the  Mum-  state’s  social  welfare  ministry  owes  Estate  government’s  DTE,  which
             Fbai  metropolitan  region  have   them  “huge  arrears”  on  account  of   directly supervises MU-affiliated col-
             not received their salaries since end-  scheduled tribe, scheduled caste and   leges, have remained passive specta-
             March  when  the  BJP/NDA  govern-  other backward castes (OBC) students   tors to the predicament of thousands
             ment at the Centre decreed a national   admitted under (ST/SC/ OBC) schol-  of university and college faculty and
             lockdown  of  industry,  business  and   arship schemes. It is this delay in re-  staff, the Delhi-based AICTE leader-
             all education institutions. According   lease of funds owed to them that has   ship has sided with the managements
             to  data collected from 48 engineering   resulted in their inability to pay fac-  of affiliated colleges and upbraided the
             colleges by the Bombay University and   ulty salaries of the past five months,   state government. In an April 11 noti-
             College  Teachers’  Union  (BUCTU)   they argue.                  fication issued to the principal secre-
             which represents 4,000 teachers from   However,  BUCTU  leaders  don’t   taries of state governments across the
             350 colleges affiliated with Mumbai   buy this explanation. “Under govern-  country, it said that the council had
             University (MU, estb.1857), only 13   ment and MU rules, they should have   received  “complaints  from  colleges
             colleges have made full and regular   set aside a third of their revenue to-  about state governments not releas-
             payment to teaching and non-teach-  wards salaries last August/September.   ing the fees of students studying in
             ing staff during the past six months.   Clearly they have not done so and are   different engineering colleges under
             The defaulters list also names colleges   now trying to pin the blame on the   the SC/ST scholarship schemes being
             which haven’t paid faculty salaries for   government. Moreover, most default-  implemented through the social wel-
             over 12 months.                  ing colleges have not been submitting   fare  departments  of  the  concerned
                The Mumbai metropolitan region   their accounts to MU every quarter as   state governments. Due to non-receipt
             hosts 72 engineering colleges includ-  mandated by affiliation rules, so their   of funds from state governments, the
             ing 70 private colleges affiliated with   claims cannot be scrutinised by MU,”   institutions are unable to pay the sala-
             MU  with  an  aggregate  enrolment   says  h a n dra s h e k h a r K u l k a rn i, a   ries of faculty and staff members”.
             20    EDUCATIONWORLD   SEPTEMBER 2020
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