Page 24 - EducationWorld September 2020
P. 24

Education Notes

               DELHI                  which smartphones were   demic but teachers are   trepreneurship, Siemens
             ARIIA Rankings 2020      gifted to six class XII   required to be present in   Ltd and the Germany-

             NEW DELHI, AUGUST 18.    students in a symbolic ges-  their schools for preparing   based international devel-
             Union education min-     ture. State ministers and   notes and worksheets for   opment agency GIZ, will
             ister Ramesh Pokhriyal   MLAs were entrusted with   distribution to students.”  ensure optimal upskilling
             ‘Nishank’ released the   the task of symbolically                         of ITI graduates, includ-
             annual Atal Ranking of   distributing 20 smart-    WEST BENGAL            ing green skilling on a par
             Institutions on Innova-  phones each to students in   Rebel headmaster    with the latest technologi-
             tions Achievements 2020   various districts to mark                       cal developments in indus-
             (ARIIA, estb.2018) which   launch of the scheme.  MIDNAPORE/KOLKATA, AUGUST   try, thereby enhancing the
             ranks higher education     During the first phase   12. Defying government   employability of gradu-
             institutions and universi-  ending November 30, 1.74   directives on schools   ates of our ITIs,” said the
             ties for innovation and   lakh class XII government   closure following the   state’s skill development
             entrepreneurship develop-  school children including   Covid-19 outbreak, the   minister Vishwajit Rane
             ment in six categories.  1.11 lakh in rural Punjab   management of Hatsarbe-  speaking on the occasion.
                Under the category of   will be gifted smartphones   ria B.C. Roy High School   Siemens and GIZ
             Centrally-funded institutes   valued at Rs.92 crore   in the state’s Daspur area   India will also undertake
             of national importance,   under PSCS.             of Paschim Mednapore    intensive training of ITI
             the Indian Institutes of                          district restarted classes   instructors and handhold
             Technology (IITs) in Chen-   NAGALAND             for class X students.   them throughout the
             nai, Mumbai and Delhi are   Absenteesim notices     “We started classes fol-  process.
             top-ranked followed by                            lowing all social distancing
             IISc, Bangalore and IIT-  KOHIMA, AUGUST 9.  Show-  norms and standard pro-   LADAKH
             Kharagpur. Bhubaneswar’s   cause notices have been   tocols. Our students were   New education board
             Kalinga Institute of     issued to eight teachers   very enthusiastic about
             Industrial Technology is   including the headmaster   attending school after   KARGIL, AUGUST 24. The
             top-ranked among private   of a government school   staying at home for several   Union territory of Ladakh
             universities, followed by   in Phek district for being   months,” said headmas-  is set to establish a
             SRM Institute of Science   absent from school     ter Brindaban Ghatak    new territorial board of
             and Technology, Chennai   since end-March after   explaining his decision.   school education that will
             and the Vellore Institute of   imposition of the national   “Several parents had also   fulfill “realistic needs” of
             Technology.              emergency lockdown       requested us to restart   students based on local
                This year a new cat-  following the Covid-19   classes,” he added.     conditions of the region.
             egory of women’s higher   outbreak.                 In a late evening de-  This decision was taken
             education institutions was   Addressing media,    velopment, an education   after a committee for
             introduced to encourage   Thuvopisu Vesathu Dozo,   ministry official said the   review of educational
             women and gender parity   chairman of the School   headmaster has been is-  boards for schools met
             in innovation and entre-  Management Board (SMB)   sued a show-cause notice.  in Kargil under the
             preneurship. The Avi-    which issued the notices,                        chairmanship of the
             nashilingam Institute for   said: “Despite the govern-   GOA              executive councilor for
             Home Science and Higher   ment’s orders directing   Tripartite agreement  tourism and Zanskar
             Education for Women,     teachers to be present                           affairs Phunsog Tashi.
             Coimbatore, is top-ranked   in their schools, these   PANAJI, AUGUST 13. In a   The committee also
             in this category of ARIIA   teachers were absent from   unique collaborative   suggested equal repre-
             2020.                    duty. We want teachers to   initiative, the Goa gov-  sentation from Kargil and
                                      make their presence felt so   ernment has signed a   Leh districts in the new
               PUNJAB                 students can clarify their   tripartite agreement to   Ladakh Board of School
             Smart Connect            doubts and attain quality   introduce dual world-class   Education to make the
             Scheme                   education.”              German vocational educa-  process more inclusive in
                                                                                       the larger public interest,
                                        Shanavas C, principal
                                                               tion and training in the
             CHANDIGARH, AUGUST 12.   director of school educa-  state’s Industrial Training   said government officials
             Punjab chief minister    tion, clarified: “There are   Institutes (ITIs).  speaking with media.
             Amarinder Singh launched   no holidays for teachers.   “This agreement be-
             a Punjab Smart Connect   Schools may have shut    tween the Directorate of   Paromita Sengupta with bureau
             Scheme (PSCS) under      down due to the pan-     Skill Development and En-                 inputs

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