Page 19 - EducationWorld September 2020
P. 19
NEP 2020 - India Needs Intent of Implementation
“To paint a new landscape, one must start with a fresh canvass and a clean brush.”
Sachin Vats, Founder Director,
Gurukul The School, NH-9, Ghaziabad
he progress and success quo of a country depends on the ASK- Attitude, degrees based on completion of one, two or three years of an undergraduate course
Knowledge and Skill of its human resource. Trans- times, trans- cultures, are all in all commendable. It is implicit recognition of a socio-economic situation
trans- civilizations and trans- nations, a country is what its citizens are. that often compels the discontinuation of education and now seeks to create an
TWith human capital being the biggest asset, the role of education is to environment where everyone can always get back to formal learning; at their pace
optimise its potential and channelise its output for the larger good of humanity. and comfort level. The creation of a system for transfer of credits between courses,
colleges and universities is a step in the much- yearned for direction.
Sovereign India’s 3rd National Education Policy, announced after a wait of 34
years, catalogues a radical facelift of the country’s existing education system by Ours is a multicoloured country- culturally, lingually and geographically. Having
opening up the playfield for learners’ linear as well as horizontal progress along the a uniform policy for an inherently diverse nation is of course impractical. The solution
curricula. to this dichotomy is a broad framework which takes care of the basics and most
This 21st century flexi- possibility system strewn with multi-disciplinary, important needs along with the freedom for need based customisation. The New
Education Policy gives us the roadmap for it to a large extent. However, more than
multi- lingual and multi- effectual syllabi envisions to accommodate the pursuits the framework and policy it is the intent of implementation that spearheads the
of vocational and non-vocational subjects right from Early Childhood Education. A difference. A strong belief in the objective and a firm faith in the underlying philosophy
clear inscription of student-centric approach that crochets critical thinking, enquiry- is a ‘must have’. Every effort/initiative should be seen as a progressive pathway. Thus,
based, discussion and discovery-driven, research and analysis inspired holistic the onus lies on all the stakeholders who would be shouldering the responsibility,
approach to learning is evidently tiled upon the findings of neurosciences viz multiple henceforth.
intelligences, varied learning styles and socio-psychological versatility.
A question for the mere sake of questioning or a question for the sake of getting
By and large, the final depiction and manifesto of NEP 2020 quite bravely though the tethering makes the matters different. Hence, the need of the hour is to
streamlines the ambits of pre-school, formal schooling and higher education. shift the focus from inferences to implementation so as to translate the euphoria and
Embracing the local languages, creating dedicated spaces to upskill faculty, excitement in the team who would be the active agents in making the learners future
accommodating multiple entry points in mainstream education and accommodating ready – undoubtedly the teachers along with parents and admirative heads.
a heretofore unimagined budget of 6% of country’s GDP for National Research
Foundation, says it all about the enormous macro vision and the minute microscopic For an effective fructification of this long-awaited and much-hailed Education
detailing put into the entire assembling. Policy, we all ought to understand the cruciality of our role as educators- a small error
The Committee to shape the New Education Policy being headed by the great and the damage caused would affect an entire generation.
space scientist Padma Vibhushan K. Kasturirangan, was itself a reason to be hopeful. According to the authenticated reflections and revelations of the PISA report and
Those of us in the education fields were already excited and sure that the mind that ASER 2020 the most surfacing concern of contemporary industry is that a major
opened the frontiers of space for India, would for sure, recreate his record and explore chunk of the workforce is either unemployable or unemployed which further leads
new frontiers of knowledge and learning for children of India. And, here came the to a rise in crime rate, erosion of values and lack of basic life skills and soft skills in
unveiling of a unique, creative, innovative, logical and systematic system of training the youth. Besides this, barricading the country’s brain drain has been a torrential
and preparing minds with global vision. struggle in the past few decades. The answer to this is a robust education system
With the increaded grant of empowerment and autonomy to the stakeholders, that focuses on skills and promises an effective placement mechanism while taking
full rounded accountability of shaping well informed, value driven and responsible
National Education Policy, has especially kindled a streak of joy in the clan of young citizens who “not only follow but also contribute” to the progress.
edupreneurs like who had ventured into the education sector with a heart pumping
with passion and a vision resolute to contribute to the upscaling of prevalent systems This entire scenario as a cohesive sum is enough of a reason to embrace NEP
and the realignment of cliched pedagogies. My happiness is simply over-brimming on 2020 with a worthy intent and willingness.
seeing the limelight turning towards a holistic education system and self- sufficiency
of learners as well as country at large. For a country like India any reform is the need of the hour; we have to begin from
somewhere, “To win the race, we must first start”. The trust between the school and
The prime focus of any progressive country is to nurture and optimise the parents is the bottom line. The distorted perception about private schools that has
potential of its human capital to make them future ready and adaptable. We are the been built by some pseudo activists due to their evidently hideous agenda needs to
largest market for the entire world beside having the potential to become absolutely be analysed inside out. Private Schools which have on their rolls 50 percent of the
Aatmnirbhar. In a country like India where 50 % of its total population is aged below country’s total student population need to be glanced with acclaim; undermining their
25 years, the biggest responsibility of a creditable education system is to nurture the role will be under-cultivating the youth’s potential/ their role cannot be undermined.
learners with core values and cultural legacies, to sensitise them for communal and
environmental responsibilities, besides equipping them with a world of opportunities Instead of treating schools as soft targets and exploiting any chance incidents
in terms of employment as well as empowerment, so that they do not just avail but to devastating lengths such as meting out painful orders to please the masses
also create a confluence of new era opportunities. the very purpose of education should be given the due regard. The educational
institutions should be spared from so much litigation and control and compliances. In
A quick dive into the New Education Policy gives a feeling that it aims at the squabble of media hype and the adversely affected parental attitude, the biggest
answering a lot of questions that needed a strong framework. The 5+3+3+4 formula loser turns out to be the child. Exposed to conflicting opinions, the child loses respect
is a welcome step in the direction of ‘catching them young’ in fact, in the most for school and teachers; and when reverence is lost no learning can happen. When
impressionable and influenceable age. the time that should be invested in educating the child goes in trouble shooting and
Structuring primary education and keeping the first formal assessments at indulgence in useless unproductive work the progress of the child viz the country’s
future is hampered. Solution is the coordinated efforts from policy makers and
entry to grade 3 would be a potent catalyst to turn the focus on skill building in the enforcement agencies whose purpose is to help rather than shirk away from their
formative years rather than assessments. Through identification of latent aptitude responsibilities.
and introduction of vocational training in the middle school, education will surely
ingrain the much-needed life skills and dignity of labour. The renewed emphasis on India needs intent and collaborative efforts from all the stakeholders to aid the
local languages and mother tongue with the option of choosing English medium is new policy’s ruling reaching out the zenith. The spirit in which it is implemented will
an equitable approach which can iron out the ebb of marginalised Indian languages solve many problems and phenomnialize the outcome.
while staying synced with the global lingua franca. The onus of successful implementation lies on the real stakeholders, the
Introduction of the semester system with a varied choice of subject combinations executioners more than the policy designers. So, with a 360 degree turn, the ground
teamed with emphasis on skill building will positively impact learning outcome and seems to have been tilled to make India relive her glory and bring the renaissance of
knowledge application. By and large, the recent reforms in our Higher Education Takshila and Nalanda by turning into a 21st century Global Study Destination.
system are a welcome. The eligibility for grant of Basic, Diploma and Graduate