Page 18 - EducationWorld September 2020
P. 18

Education News

               DELHI                                                           tries for a few months now. A feed-
             Reopening dilemma                                                 back survey of parents conducted

                                                                               by the Union education ministry
                                                                               indicated that the great majority of
                                                                               urban parents are not in favour of
                                                                               reopening until the rising curve of
                                                                               the Covid-19 pandemic is flattened
                                                                               or an anti-coronavirus vaccine be-
                                                                               comes available. Ranged on the other
                                                                               side are business/industry leaders
                                                                               who are of the opinion that the toll
                                                                               the pandemic lockdown has taken on
                                                                               livelihoods and the economy is be-
                                                                               coming unbearable. A rising number
                                                                               of academics are veering around to
                                                                               this viewpoint as well. They say the
                                                                               loss of learning and emotional/men-
                                                                               tal damage to students caused by the
                                                                               prolonged national lockdown is also
                                                                               becoming unbearable.
                                                                                 According to  m  b a ris h  R a i,
             Government primary school children in Delhi: rock and hard place options  national convener of the RTE Forum
                                                                               — a coalition of over 10,000 educa-
                   HE UNLOCK 4.0 GUIDELINES      Coterminously, the ministry of   tion NGOs — as acknowledged by
                   announced by the Union     health and family welfare is in the   NEP 2020, 32 million children are
             Tministry of home affairs on     process of drawing up broad SOPs   out of school and if they don’t reopen
             August 29 which extended the long   (standard operating procedures)   soon, this number will double imme-
             period (since mid-March) of closure   for schools and higher education   diately as 70 percent of the coun-
             of all education institutions until   institutions (HEIs) within home   try’s children haven’t been studying
             September 30, has opened a small   ministry guidelines, and a task force   for the past six months because of
             window for their early reopening.   appointed by a group of ministers   lack of access to online education.
             According to education insiders   on Covid-19 management, headed   “Child labour, trafficking and child
             in the national capital, the Union   by Union health minister Dr. Harsh   marriages have started showing an
             cabinet has finalised a plan to restart   Vardhan, is working on the modali-  upward trend and if schools continue
             schools and higher education institu-  ties of the reopening plan, which is   to remain closed, this situation is
             tions in a phased manner with effect   expected to be unveiled by end-Sep-  certain to get worse,” says Rai.
             from September 21 until November   tember. However, state governments   Nevertheless implementation of
             14 (Children’s Day).             will have the final say in the mat-  SOPs in government and low-fees
                Under this plan, from September   ter and will calibrate reopening of   BPS (budget private schools) —
             21, outside local containment zones,   education institutions in accordance   especially in rural India — is likely
             50 percent of teaching and non-  with locally prevailing pandemic   to pose a formidable challenge for
             teaching staff will be permitted to re-  conditions. Hill states of north-east   their managements. Decades of
             sume offline teaching/telecounseling   India and other states where the   under-funding of public educa-
             and related work. Further, under the   virus infection is low will be the first   tion has taken its toll. According to
             guidelines, classes IX-XII children   to restart senior schools.   official DISE data, only 50 percent
             will be allowed on a “voluntary basis’’   But, informed opinion is unani-  of the country’s 1.5 million schools
             to visit their schools to seek guidance   mous that when schools reopen   have proper drinking water facilities.
             from teachers. In higher education   they should be restricted to class VI   Although the health ministry’s SOPs
             institutions, research scholars and   upwards, and to a few hours. Also,   have directed district administra-
             postgraduate students will have   schools will be advised to run at one-  tions to provide water tankers where
             access to laboratories and libraries.   third capacity with students to follow   there is shortfall or no supply of
             ITIs and other skilling institutions   staggered timings as well as alternat-  water, the logistics involved are very
             including NSDC-partnered training   ing school days.              challenging.
             centres, will also commence gradual   The schools reopening plan has   D r.  P ra tib h a  S in g h , WASH
             re-opening from September 21.    been on the table of several minis-  (water, sanitation and hygiene edu-

             18    EDUCATIONWORLD   SEPTEMBER 2020
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